My new chickens have started laying...YaaHooooo!!!

Started by EasternShore, December 10, 2008, 07:32:37 AM

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Yup, the girls are poping out bum nuggets!!! They're small brown ones and very tastey! I'm thinkin' these are from my Bard Rocks, but hard to tell. My white ones should be laying white eggs.... only a guess...none of those yet.

Oh....I sold 2 Rocks and a Leghorn for $45 to a city boy...I'm thinking they might be used for some type of ritual..ewwww. They were roosters too...silly city people
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
We are the keepers, it is our duty to preserve life.

Big John

If I could get $45 for 2 chickens here I would hatch out thousands of them, good job!
"Semper Fi"


Way to go!

Never had laying chickens, but always thought it would be neat.
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Quote from: EasternShore on December 10, 2008, 07:32:37 AM
Yup, the girls are poping out bum nuggets!!! They're small brown ones and very tastey! I'm thinkin' these are from my Bard Rocks, but hard to tell. My white ones should be laying white eggs.... only a guess...none of those yet.

Oh....I sold 2 Rocks and a Leghorn for $45 to a city boy...I'm thinking they might be used for some type of ritual..ewwww. They were roosters too...silly city people

Mark, yeah!!!  That is good, you got a good price for your birds.  I did something interesting a couple of weeks ago.  I went to our local auction, across the river and took some ducks and Banty roosters, to see what the price of things were.  Now, I am a rather anal retentive type person and am very strange.  I wrote down the description and selling price of all the birds that were sold at the auction that day.  For 3 birds, $45, you got an excellent price.  (my Banty roosters only went for $2, the Muscovy drakes $16, the Muscovy hens $11, thank goodness I only brought a few over....the prices of my sales were not very good).

Although......the mature roosters were going inbetween $20-$30 each.  There was sold a barred rock rooster for $28.  Young roosters averaged about $10.  Sorry, off topic, but had to say, have a wonderful and awesome day, health, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Congratulations on the eggs! I love it when new layers will start in the winter when so many chickens start to slack off when the days get shorter. They need that daylight.

I love having hens, my kids still get excited every time they collect the eggs, especially when they get those green ones from the easter eggers.
I can't wait for my ameraucanas to start laying those pretty blue eggs.
The first time my son found a green egg in the nestbox I thought something bad had happened, he was screaming and running through the yard towards the house.
I went running out and he hands me a green egg.Thats what the yelling was all about, he was so excited.

Are you going to be selling your eggs?
I had never planned to, it was just for us to raise some chickens but now that I have so many I have to do something with them. I give away eggs to anyone that will take them but some people insist on paying for them.
My 6 year old son has his own little egg selling business with his own customers. I got him his own chickens and he has been such the little chicken farmer ever since.
Even his principal buys a dozen eggs from him every friday.
I should be able to sell some "rainbow" eggs this spring when the black copper marans start laying those coppery chocolate looking ones.
I'll have white, chocolate, blue, green and the regular brown.
If you don't already have some colored egg layers you might want to get some, its alot of fun having those colored eggs and people really enjoy getting them.

Good deal selling roosters period never mind the price, I have to give mine away and even then you gotta practically beg someone to take them off your hands.
There are always free ones listed everywhere and at the swaps, so you did really good. That will get you a good amount of feed.
I am not allowed to have roosters here so I just gave away 4 really gorgeous guys.

Good luck with the chickens, glad you are enjoying them.


Yea!!! The first eggs are the best. Hands down.
Congrats to you guys..
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