What do you use your farm for?

Started by Horns Pure Honey, February 07, 2005, 06:33:05 PM

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Horns Pure Honey

We just raise animals to mess around with and ocassionaly to sell.
Ryan Horn


We raise vegetables for our own use, and the flowers for sale at the market.  The only "livestock" we have right now are the bees, with the honey for our own use, for now.  Hopefully to start selling some at the market, too.  What goes together better than flowers and honey?  ;-)

-- Kris

Horns Pure Honey

that is true, I forgot about the garden and we rent out all of are feilds but the one behinde are house.
Ryan Horn

Beth Kirkley

Well so far we aren't using much of the 21 acres here (3 acres of that is a pond). We've got one 20x40 greenhouse we're using, and one 40x80 greenhouse frame (without the cover). We're doing hydroponics in the one greenhouse, and have a garden in the ground.

We've only stocked the pond once, but there are a ton of fish in it. Plus we have the geese and ducks.

My plan is to get goats and chickens very soon. Other than that, I just have the bees. I don't think I'll ever get big livestock like horses or cows. If I ever do a lot more with the land it will be to fence in the 10 acres of woods and put Kiko goats out there. They're meat goats from New Zealand, and they look like mountain goats.


Horns Pure Honey

yes kikos are very nice and very $$$. I hope to raise many bees myself. And some day I would like to start an orchard, they make me so happy. I thought about it, every year I go to the orchard is a pure happy day so I would like to do that for others and live in one for happy days every day, lol.
Ryan Horn


Food.  :D  Milk, honey, eggs, fried chicken, fresh fruits and veggies.  Dogs for protection, cats to ward off mice, and horses to drive up the bills.  :D

We even named the place L.O.M.A.H. ~ Land Of Milk And Honey.

Horns Pure Honey

lol, I like the name. Are farm is just named after are family.
Ryan Horn


got about 1/2 to 3/4 acre for a garden 1 pasture about 2 acres with planted clover and 12 acres with planted pine's about 1 year old, 2500 pines to be exact, and I planted every tree.

Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic

Horns Pure Honey

Ryan Horn


We try to use our acreage as wisely as we can. Annually tap 1,000 plus Maple trees for maple syrup production. Raise a few animals for fun and a few more for butchering(used by us and other family members)doing the slaughtering and cutting ourselves. Also have a small orchard(19  fruit trees)10 grapevines,rhubarb-blueberries-horseradish-asparagus, 5 filberts and 50 feet of elderberies.Every year it seems the vegetable garden gets bigger.About 150ft.by 200 ft. this coming year.Especially enjoy growing fingerling potatoes,hierloom tomatoes,plenty of sweet corn,sweet potatoes,ruta bagas,celeriac,kohlrabi,cabbage,cauliflower,broccoli, brussel sprouts,hot peppers,beans,and a bunch of other stuff. Usually have enough cull trees to heat our house through winter although some years I do buy cordwood.Have tried ginseng with little sucess. Also pick a lot of the wild mushrooms in the woods that are proven to be nonpoisonous,actually we only are sure of 3 types-boletus,puffballs and meadow mushrooms. And to round it all out we have started to keep bees with mixed sweet success.
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.


That truly sounds like heaven!! :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


I guess it does-but I hope I can take a rest in the real heaven,this one is starting to plumb tucker me out! :lol:  :lol:
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.

Horns Pure Honey

I have always wanted a farm like that but I do better when I specialize in one thing, so I am gardener and am doing bees on the side which I hope to largely increase some day. I guess when I get older it would be easier due to not having school and could work on the farm. I have a dream to have a orchard with my bees and that is it, it would support my life style and make me happy and that is what it is all about in my book, why do something you hate?
Ryan Horn


Quote from: Horns Pure HoneyI do better when I specialize in one thing, so I am gardener and am doing bees

Ryan, count that one more time! :lol:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world

Horns Pure Honey

I counted right, sorta. For Right now the bees are an ADD on to the garden which makes it still one thing, lol, but I get your point, bye
Ryan Horn


We use our land to produce all of our meat and eggs, and what we dont produce we go without. I sell surplus eggs and it helps cover feed costs.
We only have a small vege garden at the moment because we both work full time and veges are a little more labour intensive than we can cater for to do them well.
We keep sheep, pigs, calves and fallow deer for meat, have 42 avairies keeping mostly australian parrots, and have a nz native gecko collection. Of course there is the Pest Destruction Team - 3 cats, and the Security Team - 2 dogs, a pair of turtles who live outside, free range pigeons, and some chinchillas.
Our land was quite bare when we bought it so planting is an ongoing programme and we propagate as much as we can on the property.
It is interesting reading what others are doing on their land and how our different climates and geographies affect our possibilities.


         I agree  with you 1,000%. Master one challenge at a time,then you will excell. But,when you have mastered it, move on and try something new-that way life never gets boring! :wink:
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.

Horns Pure Honey

That is where my bees are coming in :D bye
Ryan Horn


We have milk goats, chickens for meat and eggs, the bees, and a large garden. I hope to sell the extra eggs, produce and honey. I am getting rabbits soon for meat and munure.



Horns Pure Honey

I have about 500 rabbits a year firestool. I decided to start running are farm like a company. I am having are barn re tinned and new windows put in this summer and new stalls also. We also got  2 20 foot electric gates so no one goes to the farm without permision on how to get in. We are beefing up on dairy goats, my favorite, and meat goats. We are keeping my horse for rounding up the cattle we just got the other day and will have more soon, about 10-15. I love raising my chickens, just got 50 new layers for meat and eggs. The lamas we use for there coat, my donkey in the protector of all the goats and sheep wich we also use the sheep for fleece. The ducks are just for fun on the pond and my mule is for pulling large loads around the farm if I dont want to use the tractors. We are thinking of getting draft horses again, and we farm or rent out all of are land. bye :D
Ryan Horn