Jody, this one's for you (and Rosie)

Started by Cindi, February 03, 2009, 12:11:04 PM

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Jody, this may seem like the strangest thing to request, but you know me, down-to-earth and that need-to-know, smiling.  I want you to do me a favour.  You know I have spoken about how I love the breath of animals, that beautiful scent, of specific animals, like: horses, cows and puppies.

Is Rosie eating grass yet?  I don't imagine the grass, if she is eating grass would have very much of a strong scent, like in the spring when the grass grows so fast and furiously.

This may sound really stupid, but here goes.  Go out and see if you can get a whiff of Rosie's breath when she is eating hay (you feed her hay right now, right?).  See if you can define what her breath smells like now, before she begins to eat that fast-growing, fresh grass in the spring.  I want you to define her breath that she has right now to me.  And then when the springtime comes and the grass is growing like crazy, I want you to smell her breath then.  Remember the scent of her breath each time that you smell her breath.

I need to know something, and only you can help me.  I need to know how much the scent of the cow breath changes when she has been eating hay and grass.  I know that you are weird, just like me.  I know that you won't mind one little bit doing this extremely strange thing.  But please, do it for me.  Don't let your Husband or the girls see you doing this, and for greatness' sake, don't tell them that I want you to do this, smiling, hee, hee, they would think me weirder than their wilder dreams.

No hurry, Jody, but don't wait too long, Rosie will find that fast growing spring grass that will be beginning big time soon, your weather is like mine, and I know that by mid-March I have to do that first mowing of my lawn.  Have that most great and wonderful day, love our life, live it so.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Cindi, we truly are alike!  I always think of your liking the smell of the cow's breath every time I handle her! Right now she has that haylike breath,old sort of but not really dusty but not like when you crunch grass in your hands.  There is a bit of green scent though as I give her alfalfa pellets (pellets keep the poo from splatting so much)Then there is the cob grain smell.  I mix wet & dry cob together so there is still the molasses smell too. I'm just about to go out & play with her, she is getting used to me putting the halter on but I do still have to tie the rope around her neck & bribe her with grain.  Soon she will let me go up to her anywhere in the pasture, they learn very quickly & the longer I have her, feed & groom her the more trusting she will be.  Once the grass starts really growing she will be my "Buckley weedeater" & I can walk her along the fenceline & tie her in the yard.  She needs to keep learning that the halter & rope are not scary things, that they usually mean doing something positive like eating!  I just need to be patient...**sigh** I better get out there before it gets dark!  Will post more later!  J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, yay!!!  You just wait until that grass gets growing really quickly, then Rosie's breath will smell like that grass that is firstly cut in the spring.  You know that smell.  That beautiful smell of the lush, spring grass.  I envy you.  When I cut the grass the first time, I will know that Rosie will be grazing on this fresh grass too, just a couple of hundred miles away.  And I will be picturing you, nearby to her muzzle (is it called a muzzle on a cow, by the way), breathing in the scent of this miracle of nature, oh, my thoughts will be there.

I can imagine what her breath would be smelling like now, it would be the same as the breath of the horses that I used to love to breath, as they chewed on their wintertime "fake" grazing foods, like the sweet feeds, alfalfa cubes, the local hay, the same, the same.  Every time I hear of the events that you are doing with Rosie and I think of the events that will occur this spring and summer, it brings that smile to my face.  Knowing that you will share your experiences with me, and take me right beside you, in my mind's eye.  Thank you Jody, for knowing that I will be your partner-in-crime, through our cyberspace, our great forum.  Have a wonderful and most awesome day, love our life, live it so, attract great health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Jody, is your grass growing yet?  Smiling.....remember the task at hand!!!  Have a most wonderful, great day, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Oh Cindi!  Thank you for asking this of me!  Today was the first time I got a chance to smell Rosie's breath!  She thought I was crazy for sure but allowed me to hold her halter & breath in that wonderful smell of fresh spring grass!  Smelled like the 1st time you cut the grass but a little sweeter cause she had eaten some wet cob about an hour before. Very green if you know what I mean, a little sharp but not offensive, more like bright, what you would imagine that bright new grass color to be.  We are surely twins for wanting & doing this thing that probably sounds whacko to anyone else.  I can't wait for her to calve & then I can tell you what that fresh milk & butter tastes like!  I got a job @ the CSA I belong to for the summer, will get my share for free, working every other Fri june-oct.  Will give me the chance to bring home a bunch of the whackings, icky & extra stuff for the chix & Rosie. Off to check the bees, it's a beautiful day & don't know when I'll get another chance!  I'm so glad to be home again!  J
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Quote from: poka-bee on April 06, 2009, 04:41:24 PM
Oh Cindi!  Thank you for asking this of me!  Today was the first time I got a chance to smell Rosie's breath!  She thought I was crazy for sure but allowed me to hold her halter & breath in that wonderful smell of fresh spring grass!  Smelled like the 1st time you cut the grass but a little sweeter cause she had eaten some wet cob about an hour before. Very green if you know what I mean, a little sharp but not offensive, more like bright, what you would imagine that bright new grass color to be.  We are surely twins for wanting & doing this thing that probably sounds whacko to anyone else.  I can't wait for her to calve & then I can tell you what that fresh milk & butter tastes like!  I got a job @ the CSA I belong to for the summer, will get my share for free, working every other Fri june-oct.  Will give me the chance to bring home a bunch of the whackings, icky & extra stuff for the chix & Rosie. Off to check the bees, it's a beautiful day & don't know when I'll get another chance!  I'm so glad to be home again!  J

Oh take my breath away.  When I saw that you had responded to this post I had made in February, I knew for certain, even before I began to read your text, that you were going to take me to the breath of your darling Rosie; and that you have.  I know that scent, the fresh scent of the cow's breath as she takes her first chomps on the spring grass, which is so full of the smell of chloropyll, that  scent that is only this strong in the early parts of spring and the new green growth of grass.  That wet cob would enhance the sweetness of her breath.  You girl, are my mirror of myself, you know that, I know that....if I need to ever be taken to some place in time, I will lean on you, you will accompany me there, in our mind's eye.  And yes, many will feel we are whacko....but whackines lives on and on an on.....adventures so many yet to have, you me, and our wacko cyberspace.

I am happy you are back too.  I am not fully back yet, my internet may be being a good boy for awhile, but I don't trust it.  It has been so messed up for about three weeks, I don't know if I will ever recover from my work to do on the internet, but I am trying. 

I checked my bees yesterday, that deep spring check.  Queen happy and going forward.  Two small patches of brood on two frames about the size of a softball.  Capped and open brood, and eggs.  I fed them some pollen mixed with honey and gave plenty more stores of pollen frames and honey frames, they ready, set, go.  Time will tell the tale with this colony.  I am keeping my hopes up, they looked happy, and only had a tiny puff of smoke to work them, one puff, that's all I gave them. Worked them bare hands, just my safari hat and veil. They were behaving like sweet little darlings they have always been.  Enough said.

Yes, Jody, you will take me to more adventure on your little farm, and I can hardly wait.  You know I wait with baited breath.  Start a post to tell us of your adventures in the land of sun, smiling, yay, Jody's Back!!!!!  Have that most wonderful and graciously awesome day, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Jody, forgot, I don't know what the CSA is, one day every other week?  Elaborate please.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Cindi, the CSA means community supported agriculture.  It is a small organically grown farm near my house.  Jen, who runs it used to live in our neighborhood.  They sell shares, spring, summer & fall & you pick up your box every week.  They have an extras shelf so you can get more of whatever you want & you are able to trade value for value if there is something in your box you don't like.  Makes grocery shopping so much easier & it is way cheaper & better quality than you can get in the stores.  In the summer she grows all the veggies herself & buys the fruit wherever they do that thing. You also get to self pick all the chard, herbs (including yummy basil in the greenhouse), kale, & flower bouquets I will be harvesting, weeding & packing boxes on the Fridays from 8am-12pm & get my shares from June-Oct free. She has the room to grow more varieties than I could here @ home & my back can't take the tilling, rock moving, shoveling on top of all the other stuff like fencing, goat/chix/cow/bee wrangling I do around here!  I know you know exactly what I mean! 
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Jody, well knock off my socks!!!  Ain't that just the ding dangest great thing....I kid you not.

What a great innovation that Jen has done....that community garden thing is so cool.  I wish that we had something like that around here.  Oh I am going to miss my gardens.....oh dear.  I have been working my brains out outside these past couple of days, the sun has shone, as I am sure it has down your way too.  I actually am already getting that farmer's tan on my arms.  Time to diss the t-shirt and let the sun shine on my full arms with my tank top on, beauty, I love to let the sun warm my skin and soul.  I have been potting up some of my perennials into huge pots, not sure of the size, but they are big....and hold lots of my earth...which after 20 years of amending has been pretty nice, black, loam, full of the good stuff.  That soil will come with us, to nourish these plants, which may have to stay in their huge pot homes for a unknown length of time.  That is why I have them in big ones (I think they may be like 5 gallon or so).  My blueberry plants are in even bigger ones.  Ken put one of the blueberry bushes into a big blue garbage pail. EXTREMELY heavy, thank my lucky stars it has handles, smiling.  The plants are not even opening the primary leaves yet, but soon will be bursting into flowers.  Ooops, my bad, me ramblin', (but got things to say).  I have been getting up a little more early these past few days, nice......

I keep thinking of Rosie....and her baby....and her milk....that I know that you will be sipping, once you can take some extra for yourselves...and the cheese...and the yogurt....and the cottage cheese (you gonna do those, right?), and the buttermilk......smiling.  Oh you lucky gal.  Oh yes, and her sweet cow breath, that scent that I will never forget.....By the out when you milk her....smiling.  Did you know that cows can kick sideways.  You have knowledge of the horse kick, that goes straight out backwards.  Well, cows are very different.  They can kick the milk can right out from between your legs, and can get ya soaked with milk.....just some words from the voice of experience, hee, hee, that big smile.  Have you ever milked a cow?  Takes practice, and have fun with that, it is such a wholesome thing, communing with the gal.  Ooops, me ramblin' (did I say that already, hee, hee and that big smile).  Have that most wonderfully awesome and great day, love our life that is so dear, great health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service