What do you use for keeping records.....?

Started by TREBOR, March 31, 2009, 01:03:04 PM

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 Hi all,
   LOng time no talk to.....lol
I didn't really know where to put this question.....!
still here and still have bees...... though I have seen some pretty big loses over the last couple years...but I'm still at it....... :-D
   it has finely come to the point where I have to admit.... I need to keep records.... :oops:
So, I need your all's help.......
I would like to know everyones record keeping methods..... if you could please send me a PM with your version
maybe something that was ready to print..... please include all topics from pests and meds, to hive records and yard management to queen and drone rearing..... it would be nice to get everyones methods and input.... so I can see what will work best for me and my bees......!
  Thanks ahead of time and I hope you are all doing well...!

Chef Isaac

This will depend on what works for you. For me, I read Grants E-book on beekeeping (forget the title) and he covers this topic.

The method that works best for me is to take a pad of paper out and record what I do on each hive. After I finish and take the notebook home and translate it to another binder that stays at home. I then tear the old page out and right down what equipment I need to do the next inspection.

Works great.
Chef Isaac... Culinary Arts and Honey are a sweet mix! http://www.sweetascanbeehoneyfarm.com


What I have been taught years ago as a teen and aply now is I write down what time I visit the hive weather, bee activity general hive condition. open the hive and observe behavior and findings
Go home and write what I found i.e eggs brood so on so forth and what I did at the hive like meds or feeding. that is how I was taught and it works well for me. maybe it can work for you.
Its All Fun And Games Till I lose an EYE!


I use a small journal and use colored pushpins to denote what hives need or don't need. Unusual observations are good to jot down as well as interesting discoveries.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


I use my beehives .com   I like it , records on the net. if it crashed i'd loose it but , its free and fairly easy.
Each new day brings decisions,  these are  new branches on the tree of life.


     I check few enough hives that I can usually remember and enter it in the computer.  I do have some inspection sheets I downloaded that I laminated and use grease or marker on for on the spot notes.  I use these if I am checking more than one or two hives.
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)
