Need a lab for autopsy

Started by briguy, February 28, 2005, 10:45:30 PM

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We are new beekeepers.  Lost a hive at the end of last summer suspected yellow jackets and/or perhaps nosema.  This was a captured swarm that was doing well, and we had just put in apstain before colony was destroyed.    Many dead bees around the entrance and lots of yellow jacket activity.  Because there was still honey on the frames we put it in a small colony that we did not expect would make it through the winter (big mistake), but it did and now I am starting to see many dead bees around the entrance, and suspect something is wrong.    Would like to send bees to lab for proper examination, worth the money just to know what is really going on.    This will only be our second year and so very much more to learn. Any suggestions?


QuoteI am starting to see many dead bees around the entrance, and suspect something is wrong.

Is it warm enough where you are to inspect the interior of the hive?

If the weather is sometimes warm, sometimes cold, you will see dead bees around the hive, those that are old and just didn't make it, or bees that went out to "cleanse" and didn't make it back because of the cold.

If it's spring in your part of the country, are you feeding yet?


We are having our typical false spring, where the weather warms up to the the 50 in the day and 20/30s at night.  It will get darn cold again before spring really gets here.  High desert either hot or cold very little inbetween.  we have been feeding for about 5 weeks cedar and juniper trees providing pollen plenty of bee activity on warms days.  currently feeding 2/1 with fumaglin b, the sick hive does not eat much, our other two can consume a quart in two days.  but consumpt varies as the weather.


When it's warm enough, I'd say open the hive and see what's going on. Make sure there's a queen and so on.