Summer Tanager Danger to new hives?

Started by Ibmerlin, April 30, 2009, 07:06:49 PM

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Hello, I am a new beekeeper and installed packages into my first two hives this weekend. The next day I noticed that a couple of small painted red and yellow birds were staying around the hives. Soon I observed them catching bees in mid flight as the bees left or tried to return to the hives. After some research i learned that they are Summer Tanagers. These birds specialize in catching bees. I live in Ottawa IL 90 or so miles west of Chicago and far from this birds normal area. Today I have noticed only one. Hopefully they are just migrating through. (or they have eaten all my bees)
So here is my question. With a well established hive I would not worry, But with new weak packages can the Summer Tanager severely damage the hives? If they are a danger what to do?

Thank you in advance




With the bird to bee ratio I wouldn't worry that much. All though The chance of them catching a virgin queen on her maiden flight would be  slim, "IF" you were raising queens or had a swarm. :)doak