can you feed them too much?

Started by filmmlif, March 08, 2005, 09:39:26 PM

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my hive is taking in the corn syrup big time....can you feed them too much? or once the nectar flow starts will they leave the corn syrup alone?

Horns Pure Honey

You can never feed them to much do to when the real nectar flow starts they will go for it rather than your corn syrup. bye :D
Ryan Horn

lively Bee's

Yeah they will all but stop takeing the feed that you have out for them. Dont stop now or they could die do to lack of food.


And if you suspect you've fed them too much, add some Alka-Seltzer tot he HFCS.  :wink:


Quote from: filmmlifmy hive is taking in the corn syrup big time....can you feed them too much? or once the nectar flow starts will they leave the corn syrup alone?

You must learn to check, how much food hive has. First you lift the hive  with one hand and you assume the weight.  If hive is light, you just open covers and look, if you see capped food enough.

There is articles to give food.  Sugar  is better give about  10 lbs at one time, but after cleansing flight.

If hive has too much food, it restrict the brood area.

Your job must be based on knowledge, not on belief. One knowledge is when you see your self



I'm mostly a lurker, but I've missed reading your posts!
Good to hear from you!


QuoteIf hive has too much food, it restrict the brood area.

That's true. You don't want them to fill up all the frames and leave the queen no place to lay.

When they're drawing comb on foundation, though, I'm not sure whether that's an issue.