Most memorable hive scents?

Started by latebee, March 11, 2005, 12:43:39 AM

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Well its almost time to open up the hives and get a good whiff of the scent of bees. My favorite is the smell of cured honey and freshly drawn wax. My least favorite is that of dead brood. Somewhere in between is the odor of goldenrod honey being cured. I wonder what your nose does to conjure up the strong memories abounding in the beekeeping journey? But for me absolutely nothing, no nothing,smells worse than a stinger up the schnozzola :!:  :!:  :!: :lol:  :lol:
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.

lively Bee's


I was making candles over the weekend, and I have to say that the smell of beeswax filling the house is as pleasant as anything I've even smelled.


I have to agree, I'm assembling frames and foundation in my living room right now, and the smell is intoxicating.