New Chicks

Started by dpence, May 28, 2009, 06:40:05 PM

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I checked one of our broody hens yesterday and had three, this afternoon we have four.  Kinda makes you feel like a kid again.




I got some due the 31st from a hen and a lot more on the 9th from another hen and incubator.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


My pictures.Type in password;  youview


Ahh, new baby chicks, gotta love them.
I picked up 12 new araucanas the day before yesterday and they are just the cutest little pains in the butt.
I need layers for next year so I am getting my ducks in a row. Oh that reminds me I saw the cutest little wood ducks recently, if I was set up for it I would get those in a minute.


Cool, ducks don't have any of those yet.  LOL.  Our chicks are a cross between a Brown Leghorn rooster, Barred Rocks or RR it looks to be.  We only have one rooster so that part is easy...I moved another broody hen into a nest box tonight.  She has some eggs that should hatch in a few days.  We have been candling them to check.  We are doing the same thing, getting ready for a new batch of layers.  The grand kids came down this evening and check them out, thats what really makes it worthwhile.



Thats great. I just hatched 6 yesterday and another one this morning.

Lost two, they had piped throught the shell and then just quit. Not sure what happened to them.

those hot bees will have you steppin and a fetchin like your heads on fire and your keister is a catchin!!!

Bees will be bees and do as they please!


dpence, so true the kids really love this stuff and it makes it worthwhile.
I just go back from my son's school, I had to bring in the chicks for show and tell and the kids loved it.
There are children who have never seen a chick in their lives so they were just wild over them.
I brought in the rabbits last time and I am going to be brining in the bees next.

G3, its a bummer, sometimes they just quit and you don't know why.


Natalie you are so right, kids really enjoy nature at whatever level.  I was fortunate to grow up on a farm, but many today don't have the opportunities I had as a child.  The old hen had the brood out today in the yard showing them how to scratch and peck at food.  My wife and I sat and watched for a time. 



You really were lucky to grow up on a farm for sure.
I had one little girl that badly wanted to hold a chick but when I handed one to her she was shaking like a leaf.
She held it but was a nervous wreck, never saw a farm animal up close in her life and it really made me feel bad to see her hands shaking the way they were while she took the chick.
Luckily there were not any children that were reluctant to pick them up, they asked alot of questions and I think they learned alot.
When I picked up my son at the end of the day his teacher came out with a gentleman who said he wanted to meet me.
Turned out he is the science teacher for all the town schools and he heard I had brought chicks in.
He asked me if I would be willing to partner with him on the chick hatching they do in the classrooms.
He said he was going to give up on it because the fertile eggs he needs to purchase had gone up to $20.00 per dozen and it has become cost prohibitive he also had trouble finding homes for the chicks after the hatch.
Last year he hatched 350 chicks and had too much trouble getting rid of them on top of the cost of buying the eggs.
So the deal is I will supply him with all the fertile eggs he needs and I take the chicks after the hatch.
Good deal for him and good deal for me and great deal for the kids.
The kids will still get to experience the incubation and hatching process and I get someone to actually incubate my eggs for me and give me back all those chicks I can either keep or sell off.

I love watching the chicks too dpence, chicken tv.


David, well aren't those just the cutest little darn things, smiling, love the chicks.  Have a great and most wonderful day, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


We ended up with seven, lost one and one didn't hatch.  Pretty good for using a hen.  Yesterday we turned the hen and chicks out in to the regular hen yard, they are doing great.  Waiting for the next batch. 
