It's true?

Started by drone1952, June 13, 2009, 09:21:06 AM

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Dear friends,
I want to help me(again).
In romanian beekeeping forum I read that future queens from food she get will influence her characters.I mean the royal jelly will influences her quality.
I want you to tell me this is true because I did not read in queens rearing books.
Thanks a lot.

Michael Bush

Certainly a queen well fed during her development, from average genetics will outperform a poorly fed queen from impressive genetics.  It is true.

"Every queen cell should be so abundantly supplied with royal jelly that after the queens have hatched there will be more or less left in the cells. This is the case with the best cells produced by the bees under the swarming impulse, and I claim that just as good cells can be produced by the method which I have instituted."--Henry Alley, The Bee-Keepers Handy Book

"So let me tell you. It is safe to say that 95% of the cases of premature supersedure are caused by improper feeding of the young queen larva."--Jay Smith, Better Queens,%20We%20Need%20to%20Know%20More

"It is often stated that better queens, as a rule, are developed under the swarming impulse than can be raised by the forcing process. The reason given is that the larvae from which queens are to be reared, when the bees are preparing to swarm, receive the attention of the nurse bees, with this object in view, from the time of hatching, and are abundantly supplied with the "royal jelly"-so much so, indeed, as to apparently have more than they can consume, some usually being found in the bottoms of the cells after the queens have emerged. This surplus jelly being found in a cell is considered a good sign that a strong, healthy queen has developed from it. I have no doubt that this is all correct; but if these conditions can be brought about by the forcing process, there appears to be no good reason for supposing that the queens raised in that way will not be just as good;"--Isaac Hopkins, The Australasian Bee Manual

"As swarming occurs when the colony is at its height of brood-rearing, the larvae are well supplied with royal jelly, so that the finest queens are reared."--Jay Smith, Queen Rearing Simplified

"while the most of the Queens then reared were reared in just such little nucleus-hives, yet he believed that it was better to rear them in full colonies, as he thought Queens thus reared were better fed, and that the warmth of a full colony was conducive to a better development of the royal occupants of cells built, hence we secured more prolific and longer-lived Queens."--G.M. Doolittle, Scientific Queen Rearing

"Queens reared under such circumstances, where there are but few bees in the hive to feed, nurse, and keep the royal occupants of the cells warm, certainly cannot be as good as those reared under the superior planning of the skilled apiarist. "--G.M. Doolitle, Scientific Queen Rearing

Maybe you're reading the wrong books... :)
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Dear Mr Bush,
Thanks for your answers.
Yes, possible I did not read proper books.
Thanks again.