Nurse Jackie - anyone?

Started by beemaster, June 16, 2009, 09:27:32 AM

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I just watched the first two episodes (tonight is third after weeds) on Showtime. Anyone else watching this series. She surely is a complicated woman, with addition, morality quirks and will do anything for pain meds. No to forget the 16 Grains (no more or less) of some stimulant she needs to "bump" her first thing in the morning.

I think this show may be around a while, most take a few episodes to develop a charactor, where Jackie let it all on the line in episode one, you know she is flawed, but great as a nurse, though skinned, yet has human flaws that constantly cause her to do things she may not do in a different life.

FOOTNOTE: I really though Weeds would have them in the witness protection program, growing pot in the heartland, starting over - but we still cling to the Mexican theme for now. Andy want to go to Denmark, Nancy is just trying to stay alive and her kids have ideas of branching out into the California Wilderness with their grow operation. I still think witness protetion is in their future, but one thing is for sure - no one cares enough for Sylia to front even a bag of Doritos to get her out of her daughters grip.

Don't spoil last nights show for me, I'll watch it when I get home after work today.
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When I first saw previews for Nurse Jacky I thought I might watch it. Then I saw a few other things about her and decided against it. My wife is a nurse and I saw some things that just went against the grain.
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I do believe one thing, it is the nurses who run things, not the doctors. Sure they may be following patient orders written by the doctors, but every day care for the unique needs of patients is solely up to the nursing staff and hopefully the families of the sick and recovering. One thing is for sure, in most cases, if you don't have a strong willed family representitive in most places, the quality of care and needs of individual patients start to fall short of what they should be. too many beds and not enough nurses alone can cause lesser than ideal care - no reflection on your wife of course, it is just common sense.

I've seen first hand entire floors of patients moved because of too few nurses, my mom had been moved from one floor to another several times in a very large hospital because there weren't enough staff members to man two floors.

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Bee Happy

Nurses generally get paid a reasonable rate, but they work them like rented mules around here - I guess everywhere.
be happy and make others happy.


I think I was misunderstood.

I saw some things in the Nurse Jackie character that I don't care for because my wife is a nurse. One of those things is Nurse Jackie's drug abuse. I guess that is what I saw in a preview. As I said I haven't watch the show.

My wife is a charge nurse in the oncology unit. (Cancer patients for those that don't know the term.) This is one of the last places many of the patients will ever see. And one can just imagine the emotional roller coaster my wife and the other nurses there go though when a patient they have cared for and come to know them and their family. The patient dies and they have to just suck it up and continue to care for the other patients, knowing many of them are going to die and they will have to go through it again and again.

These are the nurses I know, and to see some nurse portrayed in the manner I see in Nurse Jackie just doesn't sit well.

Now I will brag a little about my wife. It perhaps only means something at the Hospital where my wife works but she won the Sister Maureen Van der Zee Excellence in Nursing Award.
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:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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Quote from: Jerrymac on June 16, 2009, 03:57:39 PM
Check it out here,

Yes her name is Ruth Simmons
That's wonderful, Jerry, your wife works in a field I just couldn't - and I admire her for it.

I have no interest in this program for much the same reasons Jerry mentions.  It's too contrived for me.

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Away from Hospitals and into nursing homes - I have read over and over that when a patient doesn't ake his/er pain meds, the nurse still gets them despenced and pockets them, eithr for personal use or gain. I don't doubt this on bit.

That s why:

1) you insist on your pain meds when your time is due
2) take hem
and  stop the nurse from scamming the other patients by going home with a pocket gull of narotcs ever night. 3-11 and midnigtsh shifts are best well know for this. And things like
Percocet has a dollar a mg street value so a 7.5mg/325mg ( tylenok) percocet  couls bet a nurse or lpn hundreds a week on he side, And sadly the sick one who need he meds sleep right through the scam. Imagine 2 pills a shift, 20 patients could be $300 a might or 15 hundred a week, or really support there habits.

The other meds, no narcotics which get great money ar Xanax and Valuum - you will always find buyers for those. Even wach antibiotics, the are some of the hardest meds to get. The Xanax is by far the toughest to withdraw from, under doctors car - 1 mg of Xanax 3 times daily could take months to ween off from. It is a heroin users drug of choice as a kicker when shooting or snoring.

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