Some pictures of my hen eggs

Started by Natalie, July 21, 2009, 12:52:36 AM

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I took some pictures of yesterday's bounty from the hen house. I have a new camera and thought I would try it out.
The timer is wrong on my new camera so if the date appears it will say January, gotta figure out how to change it.
The first picture is of all the eggs I took in that day and the others are when they are put into two cartons and ready to sell. The cartons represent what my customers get when they buy my eggs by the dozen.
The pictures always come out light, its hard to see how pretty the colored eggs are, I need to try it without a flash next time.
I have blue, green, brown, dark brown, speckled, pink, white and cream eggs.


That is just eggcellent! ;) Nice looking eggs Natalie, I like mine scrambled with onions and cheddar cheese, now we're talkin'! With toast butter/honey and a good spicy breakfast sausage, mmmm good!

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Now you are making me hungry.
I actually read on a forum once that this lady like her eggs with garlic and onions and that you could influence an eggs flavor by what you feed them. So she started feeding her chickens garlic, onions and whatever else very heavily in hopes that her eggs would be already flavored when they were laid, I guess it would be a good concept if it worked but she said they turned out disgusting.
I know that certain foods will change the flavor of an egg but its not usually the same flavor you hope for, like too much wheatgerm or flax seed will give an egg a fish flavor, so you have to watch what you feed them.

Thanks for the compliment, people just love colored eggs, just because they are different than what they are use to.
Mine hens are all free ranged and fed organic feed so the eggs look good on the inside too(nice bright yellow and orange yolks) and are good for you.

Brian D. Bray

Looks like you prefer Auracaunas and Cocko Marans from the looks of your eggs basket.
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If ducks ate a lot of fish, they taste fishy/oily.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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That would make sense, I have never had duck.

Yes Brian I do like those breeds but I like the personality on my buff orps too.
I actually have around 20 different breeds of chickens but I keep the cuckoos, and the black copper marans for the egg color and they are so pretty and the ameraucanas and easter eggers because because with them you never know what is going to hatch out, they are so varied and really pretty.
They are mischeivous too and even though it drives me crazy I kind of like that in a chicken.
I actually crossed an easter egger with a black copper marans and got what they call olive eggers, they lay a very deep olive green egg.
Customers go crazy for this. I was invited to sell my eggs at a spring festival the farm was having and I brought 30 dozen eggs, sold them at $5.00 per dozen at the farm's suggestion and I sold out in less than an hour.
I could have sold a hundred dozen that day if I had them, people were following me to my car and asking me for my phone number so they could come by and get some eggs.
The farm then approached me about selling my eggs directly to them and they could supply all their csa customers with eggs.
I now drop off all of my eggs to the farm once a week and they give me $5.00 per dozen and then they sell them for the same amount to their customers.
Its hardly any work for me now, I just drop by the farm and put them in the fridge and collect my money.
Its been a wonderful arrangement for me and I am grateful it came my way.


Natalie, oooh la, la.....what a fine bunch of eggs you got goin' on there.  It makes for such a pretty box of eggs when you see all those magnificent colours.  Now isn't that just nice that you have a wonderful market for your eggs.  And $5 a dozen is a mighty good price, be very happy for that.  I sell mine for $3 a dozen.  When I sell to city folk, they are $4, but I deliver to the area.  Good for you.  How many chickens you got there?  I've always meant to ask, but keep forgetting.  Twenty different breeds of chickens makes for a very beautiful bunch of birds to gaze at.  I would never get out of the chickens' yard, I'd be stuck there all day watchin', instead of an hour here and there, smiling.  Have a great and most wonderful day, health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Cindi I have around 50 chickens right now, all varying ages.
I am very lucky to have the arrangement I have for selling eggs and I am grateful that it fell into my lap.
I only have to drop them off at the farm once a week and collect my money, which is perfect for me because I am too busy to deal with individual selling or the farmer's markets right now.


Oh Natalie, what pretty eggs!  I have the same arrangement with my CSA but only get 3.50 per dz. I get to take home "scraps" to feed em all week.  They are free range also, makes for nummy nutritious for you eggs!  Can't wait, the Black Marans & Wellsummers should be laying any day. The EE's are so pretty & varied, I love to see how they turn out!  They do have great personalities, they are the friendliest of all mine & one always tries to get into the house & eats the dogs food..the dog just looks sadly up at me..can I snap...please???? One of my "ladies" lays light brown w/purple spots, go figure.  You are right, the customers love the different colors. I make sure to put a little of everything in each dz.
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Hi there, you must be keeping busy because I haven't been seeing you that much here. I was just thinking about you the other day.
I know what you mean about those purple spots, aren't those strange, different though and people love different as you know.
If you have black copper marans you can actually scrape the color off of the egg if you bump it or they roll them around in the nest box.
Its like it goes through a paint chute on when it gets laid.
That is funny about the chicken that comes in the house and goes to the dog food, I have one named little red, she is a small rhode island red and she thinks she is a dog.
When we call the dogs in the house she comes running in and goes right into the pantry to the dog bowls.
She also sits outside my door screeching to be let in from the yard.
Its hysterical to watch her. Who new chickens were so much fun.


Quote from: JP on July 21, 2009, 10:50:06 AM
If ducks ate a lot of fish, they taste fishy/oily.

I'd bet JP is kinda crabby/buttery tasting :-D

All those eggs look like something from a Dr.Seuss book!
"Big eggs, little eggs, lots of eggs!  Green eggs, blue eggs, brown eggs, eggs eggs eggs!!  :)


I know huh? I had no idea they came in so many colors, I always thought the white ones were so exotic when I was growing up since my parents always bought the regular brown ones. :-D
Now I am even crossing breeds to see what colors I will get... I know, I don't get out much though. ;)

Brian D. Bray

Quote from: Scadsobees on July 25, 2009, 11:00:56 PM
Quote from: JP on July 21, 2009, 10:50:06 AM
If ducks ate a lot of fish, they taste fishy/oily.

I'd bet JP is kinda crabby/buttery tasting :-D

All those eggs look like something from a Dr.Seuss book!
"Big eggs, little eggs, lots of eggs!  Green eggs, blue eggs, brown eggs, eggs eggs eggs!!  :)

If you have Auracauna's you can have Green Eggs and Ham for Breakfast.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!