Anyone watch Family Guy?

Started by asprince, September 08, 2009, 10:17:39 PM

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I love Family Guy! I is warped humor, but it makes me laugh. Stewie, Peter, and Cleveland are my favorite characters.

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan


Hmmmmmm. A repressed and often frustrated former beauty queen, married to an irresponsable  husband, with an equally repressed and often frustrated teenage daughter. A teenage son of less than outstanding prospects, and a younger son who may as well have been named Damion. And on top of that a family pet that is borderline alcoholic, while harboring a deep and lusting desire for the woman.
  Just an average American family.
I was born about 100 years too early, or to late.


I enjoy the show becuase the writers can do anything they want, well almost.  :evil:


Quote from: wayne on September 16, 2009, 04:55:53 PM
Hmmmmmm. a repressed and often frustrated former beauty queen, married to an irresponsable  husband, with an equally repressed and often frustrated teenage daughter. a teenage son of less than outstanding prospects, and a younger son who may as well have been named Damion. And on top of that a family pet that is borderline alcoholic, while harboring a deep and lusting desire for the woman.
  Just an average American family.

:-D :-D
MMMMMMMMM!!!!!! Doughnuts.- Homer Simpson


I am thinking this is one cartoon show that shown never have been spawned. I consider it an insult to my intelligence. JMO


Quote from: yockey5 on February 29, 2012, 09:36:56 PM
I am thinking this is one cartoon show that shown never have been spawned. I consider it an insult to my intelligence. JMO

I get my daily dose of intelligence from the news, Beemaster Forums, and places like that. When I want to relax and enjoy myself I love watching Family Guy. Your entire life does not need to be an academic and cultural experience. Loosen up and have some fun.

Yes, it is stupid, unrealistic, and unintelligent. That is what makes me smile even after I watch the news and learn all the new ways our country is going to hell in a hand basket.


I've always been a family guy fan, Seth Mcfarlane is brilliant (albeit twisted) and his simple flashbacks "Like the time I worked for NASA" kinda spin-offs into short skits, are fun and DON'T take away from the episode's story.

Not to forget, the best fight-scenes of any series.

In the same respect, I've always mentioned my love for South Park and how it is a commentary (or spoof) of current events. If you have never thought South Park worth watching because it is about a bunch of 4th graders, you totally miss the point - the plots of their shows mimic the nightly news and current event stories, sometimes explaining things BETTER than an entire days worth of political commentary or social commentary.

I would recommend South Park for all you people who enjoy Family Guy, American Dad and Cleavland show like stuff - Trey Parker and Matt Stone have done 16 years of South Park and signed another 3 year contract, and it sure isn't cause I'm the only one to watch it.

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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I have always found South Park to be a little harsh.   (except for the Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet bit)  I can get away with watching family guy with my son around where he has never ever see South Park. 


Watching it right now  :-D

The bird IS the word  :-D

mvh edward  :-P



I don't watch much TV and I'm not a big fan of animation shows.  Never cared for the Simpsons, saw no point whatsoever in South Park and felt no connection with Family Guy.  However I did love King of the Hill. :)  I still watch the reruns if there's nothing else on late night TV.  I think Hank Hill would have made a great bee keeper.  :-D


This country could use a lot more Hank Hills. Work ethic, integrity, values...

If you didn't see the point in South Park you need to watch it again. Not every episode, but many are a political commentary and agree or not, it is presented in a humorous way. They are very topical with current events and provide equal opportunities to make fun of everyone and everything.

I actually liked the way The Simpsons had Montgomery Burns explain the fiscal cliff. They give conservatives a hard time but it is still funny. It wasn't accurate but it was funny.


Quote from: S.Rummings on December 20, 2012, 12:11:12 AMThe Simpsons had Montgomery Burns explain the fiscal cliff. They give conservatives a hard time but it is still funny. It wasn't accurate but it was funny.

Fiscal Cliff | The Simpsons | Animation on FOX

Homer Votes 2012 | The Simpsons | Animation on FOX

mvh edward  :-P



Quote from: BlueBee on December 19, 2012, 10:41:56 PM
I don't watch much TV and I'm not a big fan of animation shows.  Never cared for the Simpsons, saw no point whatsoever in South Park and felt no connection with Family Guy.  However I did love King of the Hill. :)  I still watch the reruns if there's nothing else on late night TV.  I think Hank Hill would have made a great bee keeper.  :-D

I too live King of the Hill.

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resembalance to the first. - Ronald Reagan