SHB oil trap results

Started by scdw43, September 19, 2009, 01:16:26 PM

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First let me say that all of you that do not have SHB yet, May God bless and keep you, I have been seeing a lot of oil traps using a screen bottom board, but I was not sure if they would work. I had a hive that got into a sprayed field this summer ( 2 July). I have been working with that hive all summer to get them queen right and going again. SHB and wax moths both have been a problem. I went into the hive on Tues to check to see if my queen that the bees raised with a frame of eggs I gave them was laying. I saw 10 or more adult SHB's in the hive. I decided it was time to try the oil trap. I took a screen bottom board that I had extra and added a 1" rail to the bottom on the sides and front of the bottom board creating a three sided box on the bottom. I covered the bottom with tempered Masonite from Home Depot that I use to make division feeders. Now I have a box, I used aluminum flashing to create a pan to slide in my three sided bottom box. I riveted the corners and sealed with silicone. The back lip is higher so when I slide the pan in it seals bee tight on the back. In three hours there were 9 SHB' in the trap. After 24 hrs I looked and have included some pics of what I found. I will be building these for all of my hives. I don't treat my hives with chemicals just IPM so this will I hope take one more stress off of my bees. The trap was built out of scrap treated lumber that I had and the flashing I use to cover my tele covers. If I had bought all of the material I figure I would have had $4.00 including the oil that is a pretty cheap stress reliever. I have a lot of places that I can put bees that are shaded. I have not put bees there because of the SHB. I hope that this might open up a lot of yards for me to use in the future. Yesterday I built one from scratch placed it on a hive this morning and caught 6 SHB's in ten min.
I can't post pics here but I did on Beesource
Winter Ventilation: Wet bees die in hours maybe minutes, no matter how much honey is in the hive.


I have been using the same setup for over a month now and it has worked great. My hives were loaded with SHB's prior to adding the oil trap below the SBB. I also sprinkle ground cinnamon along the edge of the frames and I have seen zero SHB's in my hives since.
Let us know how yours work out... Good Luck



How deep is the oil in the in your pan? I have also built a similar setup, but I had my hive leaning the wrong way so my tray filled up with water. Do you use bait or just wait for them to fall in? Thanks


you can post your pictures now, lets see them....

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Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic


Is your SBB made from 1/8" screen?  Are some of the big SHB too big to get through the 1/8"?
Stephen Stewart
2nd Grade Teacher

"You don't need a license to drive a sandwich."  SpongeBob Squarepants


It is #8 screen and there are SHB of all sizes. Oil is 1/2" deep. No bait just canola oil.

I did a count 48 hrs after installing and the count was 101 in 48 hrs.  The photos are after 24 hrs.
Winter Ventilation: Wet bees die in hours maybe minutes, no matter how much honey is in the hive.


I put a 2 in x 2 in piece of corrugated cardboard on the top frames of my hive.  After 2 days it was full of SHB.  I took it out and crushed it and them.  This might help with the SHB at the top of the hive. 
Stephen Stewart
2nd Grade Teacher

"You don't need a license to drive a sandwich."  SpongeBob Squarepants


I am confused. Can someone tell me exactly how to make this.. Step by step...I am not sure what you guys are making but I need one ASAP.


Winter Ventilation: Wet bees die in hours maybe minutes, no matter how much honey is in the hive.


David LaFerney

Quote from: Animator on September 28, 2009, 02:55:44 AM
I am confused. Can someone tell me exactly how to make this.. Step by step...I am not sure what you guys are making but I need one ASAP.

It's nothing but a piece of cardboard - the corrugated kind with holes that run through the inner layer.  The SHBs crawl in there to hide from the bees, and then every few days you take it out and squash them and put in another piece of cardboard.  You also don't want to  have a lot of places for them to hide like extra frames of empty comb or stupid stuff like this:

Frames that I just glued wooden strips into for foundationless - The beetles like that little crack - don't do that.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." Samuel Clemens

Putting the "ape" in apiary since 2009.



See my latest response to "I found out what the AJ in AJ's beetle trap means..."
Talent is a dull blade that cuts nothing unless wielded with great force--Pat Travers


Did you make your pan out of aluminum flashing? is there a reason you painted it black? it seems like black will attract heat where it is exposed.
I am my own biggest critic!