Rumors of WW2 Zombies hit National Radio Program

Started by beemaster, October 20, 2009, 05:37:38 AM

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Interesting that this came up this week, just last night I heard Ian Punnet (George Noory's weekend host on Coast to Coast AM  which is syndicated on about 600 radio stations nation wide and of course around the world on the net.

The topic was World War Z - a fictictional audio reaccount of the war fought against the Undead. How well (using realistic data of living, possibly infected, the undead and even supporters) would survive an epidemic of flu-vacines gone very very bad and other horror stories.

My favorite was the Nazis who are STILL walking toward the United States on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. It detailed nearly one million soldiers who have been walking since weeks before the end of the war, each heading for the shores of the US tosurprise attack an unexpecting population that will quickly take on the plague of the Undead and multiply in massive numbers, finishing the job of Hilter, only knowing that NOT doing as they were told 60+ years ago is STILL a fate WORSE than being UNDEAD.

Estimates of arrival, late 2012, but no idea of where along the Eastern Seaboard. The estimate of survivors is said to be 350,000 to 500,000 zombies, all the rest having fallen apart, been eatten (thus there being zombie deep water creatures in the seas) many falling helplessly in chasms, cokked until tender in vocanic spouts and so on.

But to hear the imagination of someone explaining (so much better than my own imagination could muster) Hitler, knowing his days are numbers using a last ditch effort of creating Zombies to walk miles and miles below the Earth Oceans, marching their way to the United States like a delayed time bomb, spreading disease to all Americans is remarkable. And I think the making of a GREAT horror story - if only it weren't true  :lau: I would imagine that 60+ years is a bit of a long time for such a trek, even counting the massive climbs and deccents of the mountainous ocean floor, but just add in the fact (a new one that would fit well) that zombies hybernate every other decade or so and the travel issues clear themselves up!

By the way.... I will likely be using VIDEO REPLIES to most all posts in the Darkside Forum from now on. I think I can adlib much better than write and More importantly to me - I'd enjoy the crap out of it. A nice touch with Halloween Coming soon.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Quote from: beemaster on October 20, 2009, 05:37:38 AM

By the way.... I will likely be using VIDEO REPLIES to most all posts in the Darkside Forum from now on. I think I can adlib much better than write and More importantly to me - I'd enjoy the crap out of it. a nice touch with Halloween Coming soon.
At our age, dementia worries me too!
cider :)
What's good for bees is usually good for mankind. Doesn't that mean sharing?


Are those that same zombies that are guarding General Rommel's gold stash?

L'ABIME DES MORTS VIVANTS (better known as Oasis of the Zombies)
A cheesy movie from 1981:

"Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one-half the world fools and the other half hypocrites."
--Thomas Jefferson

Bee Happy

I'm impressed bobn, you found a movie worse than Bio-Dome. Plan 9 from outer space might be in the running but something about this one makes it a true leader for the title of worst movie ever.
be happy and make others happy.