I was wandering

Started by crw13755, April 30, 2005, 10:45:50 PM

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I was just thinking and wandering if you ever attended a dog show is is one big convention for all breeders to gather and talk, meet, share ideas and have booths for their products and gadgits you know and they all come from other cities and states each with and representing their associations.
Here is my thoughts after reading here and there Tenn. , Nevada, Cali, Texas and so on has their own associations and conferences why cant there be a forum in here or so that lets us all know where the next WesBeeMaster  (instead of the wesminster LOL) conferance is so that those of us that can attend and would like to meet others in the Beesness can do so like here comming in November 10th - 13th 2005 at the Omni Corpus Chtisti Hotel is the Texas Beekeepers Association convention is going to beeee at and I saw online that Nevada had one as well, Now see wouldnt that bee fun to go see and do and meet new people and see how eachother does things since it does seem all of you in here get along like best friends and I noticed meeting some of the TBA they do as well  :wink:


FSBA Convention News

The next meeting of the Florida State Beekeepers Association will take place November 10-12 at the Agricultural Center in St. Augustine, FL.
see wouldnt this be fun to go do as well  :wink:

Beth Kirkley

It would be fun, and I'm sure others here would enjoy it. I'm not totally sure how you go about finding these conventions and things.

Isn't St. Augustine near Jacksonville Florida? I seems I've been there, and that it took about 5 hours from my house. If I'm thinking of the right place, it's on the coast, very pretty, a small town, but lots of touristy things to do - and camping places available.

I'm not making any promises that I would personally go to THAT convention. Money gets mighty tricky around my house, and even a trip that close to home can be costly. Something happening in Atlanta, GA would be WAY easier for me to attend. :)



guess we have to appoint the nosiest person to go around asking when these meeting are and such. I so understand tricky $$$, I am still trying to find out who this FICCA person is and why is he taking so much out, then Mr. I need to see and point out a few reasons to his demented mind that he is not my uncle and to stay clear from my checks  :wink:



http://www.okbees.org/associations.htm   I found that has all List of State Beekeepers Organizations with Webpages in the United States


next meeting of the South Carolina Beekeepers Assoc. will be held at Clemson University on 7-9, July 2005. More details will be found in the June issue of ABJ and Bee Culture.


Indoor Exhibits & Concessions

Commercial Exhibit Building Diagram
Commericial Exhibit Tent Diagram

Thank you for your interest in the State Fair of Louisiana. Please understand that your application will be considered on the availability of space, the amount of space required and the number of existing products being sold or exhibited by others.

Fair dates for 2005 are Thursday, October 27 through Sunday, November 13. You must be here the entire eighteen days of the Fair. No late admissions or early exits will be approved.

Our commercial exhibits building is located near our zoo. It is in a high traffic area.

Rental rates for inside the building are $300 for a 10' X 10' information booth and $400 for a 10' X 10' sales booth. Comer locations are an additional $50 per location. Space is sold in 10' X 10' increments.

If you are taking orders for sales at a later date, this is still considered a sale and you will be charged the cost for a sales booth.

If you choose to bring your own golf cart to the Fair a permit fee of $100.00 plus proof of insurance will be required.

Exhibitors/Concessionaires may purchase photo ID gate passes for $20.00 each which will be good for the entire Fair. Individual one day passes can be purchased for $3.00 each. Also parking permits are $20 for seasonal and $3.00 for one day parking. There are no free gate passes or parking permits for exhibitors or concessionaires.

City and Parish sales tax is now 8.60%.

RV parking is available during the State Fair at a rate of $15.00 per night. This is done on a firs come, first serve basis and is not included in your contract for space. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Chris Giordano in the Exhibits/Concessions Department for more information. additional information or any questions.



Apimondia 2005 - August 21-26, 2005, Dublin, Ireland
Apimondia, the world beekeepers conference is being held in Dublin, Ireland from August 21 to August 26, 2005. The full details are available at www.apimondia2005.com and the second circular is available at: http://www.apimondia2005.com/downloads/Apimondia_2nd_Circular.pdf You will see that the conference airline is Aer Lingus and it flies direct from Logan to Dublin.



The 10th Annual Texas Country Reporter Fall Festival will be held this year on Saturday, September 17, on the square in downtown Waxahachie, Texas. We are currently accepting applications for artists, craftspeople, and food vendors. Please review the rules and send in your completed application to the address given. This year, we are adding a Flea Market section to the festival. While the area nearest to the town square will be reserved for artists and craftspeople who make homemade and limited edition items, the flea market will serve as the perfect location for items that are mass produced for retail sale. Churches and charitable groups are welcome and encouraged to participate in the new flea market area.

Another addition to this year's festival is the final competition in our Texas Country Star contest. Winners from music venues across Texas will compete in Waxahachie and the best of the bunch will get a recording contract with a major label record company!

So whether you're an artist, craftsperson, food vendor, or just someone who wants to come out and enjoy all the fun, we look forward to seeing you at the 10th Annual Texas Country Reporter Fall Festival!

Just click on your region to find out what's happening in your area! You can click on the "Back to Events Calendar" button in the top menu to come back to this page at any time.
We do our best to make sure all listings are accurate, however, we ALWAYS suggest that you call ahead before making plans to attend an event listed on our calendar.



And remember it is not   wax   A   hatchie,   it is  wocks  (like rocks with a "W")   wocks  ah  hatchie. (hatchie - like hatchet except with a 'y' hatchy)
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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