Some pretty pictures of splash Cochin pullets and cockerals

Started by Cindi, March 24, 2010, 10:04:24 AM

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What is the correct name for the large fowl chicken, can they be termed standard, as opposed to bantam, sure would like to know the correct terminology.

I am raising Cochins, that is probably known fact, smiling.  It seems in the hatches I appear to have grown many splash Cochins.  These are coming from breeding of the blues, maybe some coming from the blacks, quite a possibility that the ones that appear white come from the blacks.  I was reading that something called "sport" can come from the black birds, any black birds, basically a mutation.  One is white as the driven snow, the other just about as white, both pullets, these were from the December 29 hatch, a white cockeral too, that came in the January 31 hatch.

I seem to have a high ratio of cockerals to pullets too, that could be good, that could be bad, but all in all, these little dudes and dudettes are very beautiful.  Going to make a breeding trio of splash cockeral to black pullets and vice versa.

Two different ages of young ones.  The oldest ones, the white one and the near white one, which I kept, were born December 19, the others born on January 31.  They are outside in the portable chicken house area, hanging out with their black counterparts and the buff Orpington pullet and cockeral.  Enjoy the pictures, have that most wonderfully great day, to enjoy with great health.  Cindi

The white gal, born December 19

The other white gal, which is not quite as white a little grey flecking on her head

The white cockeral, born January 31

Splash pullet born January 31

Another splash pullet

Another shot of a splash pullet

A view of a pullet and cockeral tailfeather difference

A nice picture of a cockeral, notice the comb and wattles and short tailfeathers

Two splash cockerals on the left and the white cockeral on the right

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Brian D. Bray

You have several sizes of chickens: large, standard, and bantam.
The large are your Asiatic Breeds like Cochins and Brahmas and American Breeds like Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks etc.  Most dual purpose breeds, but not all, fall into the Large catagory.
Standards are usually your European and Medeteranian breeds like English Game, Leghorns, Sussex, and Houdans.
Bantams are usually birds under 2 lbs whether naturally small or bred down from the standard or large breeds.  You can find a bantam verity for just about any real popular breed of chicken.  Cochin and English Game bantams are probably the best examples.
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Quote from: Brian D. Bray on March 25, 2010, 03:23:37 AM
You have several sizes of chickens: large, standard, and bantam.

Oh I had to laugh when I read this at first.  Just a way the English language works.

When you said "you have several......." I thought at first you meant me personally, and I went "huh" to myself, smiling.

I realize you meant that in general there are several sizes....

Thank you for the clarification.

All my fowl here are termed as "large fowl", I have no standard, and I definitely do not have any bantams.  I don't like any bantam breeds that I have seen.  Well, some bantam breeds are beautiful, like the Sebrights, but just not my gig, I like things big!!!  That is why I married a 6 foot 1 inch tall, handsome man, smiling.  He fits that big category.  Beautiful days, to live with love and wishes of great health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service



Well, some bantam breeds are beautiful, like the Sebrights,

I have a couple different of varieties of bantams, but the Sebrights are my love/hate breed. I love they way they look and act, however I hate raising them.  One of the hardest breeds I have ever messed with.  If you can get them to hatch, usually half will die within the first few weeks, infertility etc

I like them all and have had all the different sizes.  Love the bantams but keep the large breeds for my egg customers :)


VolunteerK9.  Yes, I have read that about the Seabrights, no wonder they are such an expensive bird.  They are just too small for my liking, but they are very ding dang cute for surely.  Have that great and most wonderful day, filled with love and great health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Cindi, my wife just loves chickens with feathered feet. May have to get some some day. Are they good egg layers?

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Beautiful birds Cindi, my cochins and the crosses I get from them are one of my favorites around here.
The blue is my favorite color.
I just hatched out some beautiful frizzles with my big blue cochin rooster for the dad.
Its got incredible feathering. I will have to get you some pictures.
I love the feathered feet on the birds, they look like they are wearing big fuzzy slippers.
I one duccle' that had such feathered feet that she would trip on her feathers when she tried to run, she looked like she was wearing clown shoes.


JP, well interesting that you asked the question about laying.  I have black Cochins and blue Cochins.  The black Cochins have laid an egg almost every day since they came here in October.  Big brown lovely eggs.  The blacks haven't stopped.  I would consider them excellent layers.  Cochins are the most beautiful breed of bird, in my eyes.  They are quiet, friendly, very docile, excellent mothers, even both the black and blue rooster are very friendly and not a mean bone in their body.  Lovely birds and such a sight to see these massive feather machines wandering around on the green grass, beautiful!!  Your Wife would love the Cochin breed.  Pick one up and you would think you have gone to that feather heaven for surely.

The blue Cochins, well, that is another story.  They lay well enough, but then when they have laid for a few good weeks, they go broody.  Hmmm...they don't lay when they are setting on eggs.  And they don't lay while they are raising their chicks either.  The chicks are now 6 weeks old and the mammas have just began laying.  These are young hens, they have only been laying since August.  So that means that for a period of 9 weeks they are not laying eggs.  They have gone broody two times since they began to lay, so they haven't actually been the best of layers.  They just want to raise babies.  The black Cochins don't seem to have any interest in being broody....yet.  Hope they don't cause I can't allow any broody mothers at this point in time.  There are only 75 more sleeps at our house (maybe less, if we move out before the June 15 closing date).  I don't need to have a bunch of babies in tow with our big move, smiling that big smile.

Natalie, the cross of the Cochin sounds absolutely wonderful, how nice.   Yes, please get some pictures, I would really love to see what you got goin' on over at your place.  I LOVE pictures of everything.  I raised gold laced Wyandottes.  I wonder what a cross between the black Cochin and one of them would look like, probably a very beautiful bird I would bet.  Have that most beautiful day, with that beautiful health.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service