Form e-mail to send to your friends requesting they sign the on-line Petition

Started by ndvan, April 03, 2010, 09:41:27 AM

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Dear Friends,
The on-line petition started by Haagen Daz is a good way for beekeepers and non-beekeepers alike to support Christopher's efforts.  However, people cannot sign the Petition if they don't know it exists.  Please help spread the word by sending an email (or facebook message, if you do that) to your contacts/friends.  There will be a way on your email program to pull up a list of contacts and check the ones you want to include, so this whole process takes you less than a minute to send the email to your friends.

You may also worry that you will pester your friends/contacts.  Based on my experience, I will tell you that my non-beekeeper contacts were pretty enthusiastic about signing the Petition.  I even had one beekeeper friend ask me to take him to help me work on my hives.  (One benefit of this campaign is that it really does promote interest in bees and beekeeping.)

To make this as easy as possible, here is a form email that you can cut-and-paste into your email:

Dear friends,

Christopher Stowell, a 13-year-old boy scout from Oklahoma, is trying to get Boy Scouts to reinstate the Beekeeping Merit Badge. As you probably know, honeybees and beekeeping are important to the food supply, and there needs to be a way to expose more young people to beekeeping.  Having Boy Scouts expose young people to beekeeping would be a good start.

It would literally take a few seconds for you to help this effort. Please go to this site and sign the Petition:

Also, please forward this request to all of your contacts and friends.



To bee or not to bee that is the question I wake up to answer that every morning...


Thanks Neil...  I sent it to all my contacts and got a few responses within minutes.  Hopefully people will appreciate something that they can have a positive affect on, instead of all the emails exposing the political corruptness that seems almost impossible to do anything about.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison



Here is one of the responses I got from my chain email.  It is from Jerry Freeman,  the man behind the Freeman SHB Beetle Trap.  It is just an example to spur your mind of the possibilities how effective this could be if we all do our part.

Good to see so many people working on the Beekeeping Merit Badge. I'm going to contact our local troop and get them involved - one of their boys is a member of our association.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


People really should take a minute or two and do this.  It is very effective at generating interest.  Thanks to those who have done this so far.
