Help!!!! BEE STINGS!!!!

Started by kilowatts, May 06, 2005, 10:29:28 PM

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Help!!!  I love my bees, trust my bees, but yet I have now been stung 4 times since April 10th.  2 times each time.  First time, one finger on each hand, took 2 weeks for the stinging, itching & swelling to go down.  I got stung 2 times yesterday, both on my right forearm. 2 hours apart from 2 different apairies.  Now I am NOT a crybaby, but my arm is pretty swollen, red and very painful.  I have taken benedryl. No prevail.  I am curious about two things;1st. herbal remedies that work.  2nd. Do you think this is serious enough to quit?  I am trying to be a martor about it all.  I want to continue but I am going out COVERED Head To Toe from now on!!!!!  Please let me know your thoughts!!!

Horns Pure Honey

That does sound a little serious, you need a good full body suite it sounds like. bye :D
Ryan Horn


now Im no Doctor but it just sounds like well if you were stung and didn't have a bad reaction like having trouble breathing or any other bad health issues ect., swelling isn't a bad thing, its expected at first, after so many stings you will build up a resistance and it want swell no more. but after they winter and your not stung for awhile , you will have to start over again next year building up resistance again, sound fun ha !!! :D  :wink:

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Horns Pure Honey

Ok, I am no doctor but I was stung in the face and I didnt swell but for a day and it was only a square inch and barely could see it. I know that is rare to have that good of a resistance but that is bad when your wholl are swells after 2 little stings. Yes you can build up your tollerance but it will take some time. bye :)
Ryan Horn


I've heard of a woman that swelled like that from one sting. Swollen for about a week I think. The she had no more problems with her autheritis. How ever you spell it. Soon she stopped swelling.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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Horns Pure Honey

Its a possibility but that is a small chance. You could build up your tollerance by getting 2 and putting them in a jar and holding it upside down on your arm so they can sting you. Only do this after your swelling has gone away from the last time. Slowly you can add more bees. I am going to start doing this prob. once a month. Bye :D
Ryan Horn

Miss Chick-a-BEE

It does sound like a slightly severe reaction, and I'm surprized the benadryl didn't help. Also that the reaction lasted so long. I'm thinking two possibles.... you may need to build up tolerance, or you may be becoming allergic. There are beekeepers that are allergic, but just take precautions. What about getting an epi pin from your doctor? That way you have something stronger to fight the reaction. And yes, stay covered to do more about avoiding the stings. Atleast until you know what reaction will be like.

I'd personally talk with your doctor to see what can be done....... testing for allergic reaction? Or other treatment options? I don't know of herbal remedies.



This coming Thursday I will be going to an allergist for a consultation. I've only been stung once by a bee (years and years ago) so I'm still not sure if I'm allergic. My father is, but I've read it's not an inherited allergy.

I will let you know how the testing goes. But until then, I'm suiting up completely.

Horns Pure Honey

The epi pen is a great idea, I am getting one just to keep around, bye :D
Ryan Horn


Angelica Medicinal: All parts of this bold plant are useful. Used as a tonic to fight infection, to improve energy and to stimulate circulation.

Arnica chamissonis Medicinal: Flowers are used in liniments and creams for external treatment of arthritis, muscle sprains and joint pain.

Motherwort Medicinal: Flowering tops are used to regulate menstruation and treat functional infertility. Emotional balancer, stress reliever

Chickweed  Medicinal: A nourishing tonic. Use fresh or dried leaves in tinctures, salves or add to your favorite recipes. Treats inflammation, skin rashes, insect bites.

Calendula, Resina Medicinal: Flowers are used in antiseptic tinctures and healing skin ointments.

Cohosh, Black Medicinal: Root is a bitter tonic for aches and pains, coughing, fevers, and to stimulate the uterus.

Stevia Use fresh, dried, powdered or in liquid form to sweeten a variety of foods and beverages. Great indoor container plant! Toothed, leaves on slightly woody stems; white flowers in late summer. Medicinal: Plaque retardant and tooth decay inhibitor

Valerian, Common Medicinal: Root used for nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia, and pain relief. Calming tonic for domestic animals.


I don't know about any herbs but I have read in an old book from befor the days of Carl Von Frisch that honey can be used as an antibiotic and can reduce swelling of bee stings.  I'm not sure if it's true but could be worth testing.   I've also heard more recently of baking powder being used to absorb the nerotoxin.

I haven't tested either but they seem to make sense.

Horns Pure Honey

Honey can treat things such as burns, cuts, scrapes, and stings. bye :D
Ryan Horn


"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


I was just about to post that link Rog! Glad you did. I read that story in the bc mag and thought it was very interesting! :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


Don't think that BC mag would give them 2 pages if it were BS
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"

Michael Bush

The best is plantain.  First, because I bet it is already growing in your yard.  Second because it works better than anything else I've seen.  Mash it and make a poutice.  Chew it first if you like.  It's not real juicy so chewing helps, but you can just mash it and rub it on the sting.

Tobacco poltice works ok.  Asprin poltice works ok.
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