The Bees are Wack

Started by Kris^, May 08, 2005, 07:57:25 AM

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The bees in the strongest of my two newest hives began building cross-comb IN the entrance to their miller feeder.  Gonna be lots of fun going in there with pliers, pulling the staples holding the screen in place, and cutting it out.

How weird is that?

-- Kris

Michael Bush

Maybe they are trying to build a ladder?  Was there feed in it at the time?

Here's what they did in my Brushy Mt. feeder:

That's not a ladder.  It was the brood nest.
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Horns Pure Honey

its not uncommon for them to build burr comb in the space but if they started to close it off all the way I would more worried. bye :D
Ryan Horn