Small hive beetles and light in the hive

Started by AllenF, May 21, 2010, 05:07:41 PM

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Has anyone tried to rid the hives of SHB using opaque plastic covers on their hives to run the beetles out of the hive?   I know that the bees don't like the light either, but there was a letter in this months ABJ of a guy doing this.   What is everybody's thought on this.   Just how long would the plastic cover last before the bees would have the light blocked out?


I put opaque covers on 2 of my 4 hives last week,I also put out 5 million nematodes out.I do have screened bottom boards and try to keep a daily count on dead beetles.I normally have 8-10 dead bugs every day.The 2 hives with opaque covers also get 5 hours full sunlight,I put sun blockers on top so the sun would not cook them but they still get the light.The last 2 days I have had 0 dead bodies in one and 2 in the other.This is after 1 week.I put opaque covers on my other 2 yesterday.The hives are 10 frame medium 2 deep,the ones I did yesterday are 3 deep and are in more shade,I hope they do as well.I am in central Florida so you know we have plenty Beetles.


Keep us informed.   I would like to see if you still find a ton of beetles running around your frames in a couple of weeks.  Where did you get your nematodes at?


I got nematodes at southeastern insectaries 877 967-6777,they were recommended by university of Florida and know the proper nematode.I can see the bees moving around on top frames and they act very normal.It might be a help in seeing top frames without disturbing hive.


Quote from: greezykid on June 10, 2010, 09:14:13 AM
I got nematodes at southeastern insectaries 877 967-6777,they were recommended by university of Florida and know the proper nematode.I can see the bees moving around on top frames and they act very normal.It might be a help in seeing top frames without disturbing hive.

Where did you find that info? Any links?
Have a sweet day,
Dennis the Bee Guy