Wow busy bees!!!!

Started by Bee Boy, May 14, 2005, 06:55:03 PM

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Bee Boy

Ok i checked on my hives that i hived a week or so ago. To find that the bees have already drawn 7 out of ten frames in one of the hives. Is this normal?

Also i noticed on one of my bee yards the bees were bringing in bright red pollen. Does anybody have any idea what this pollen is? I have never seen that color before.

Thanks all!!!

Bee Boy
Bee Boy


I know chic-weed makes red pollen.  It is a low growing plant with many small purple flowers.  It is a weed plant, but I'm sure other plants can make red pollen too.

Miss Chick-a-BEE

That's wonderfully fast for getting that much drawn comb. Sounds like a great hive.


Horns Pure Honey

sounds great bee boy :D
Ryan Horn

Rich V

Red pollen can also be from Maple trees

Bee Boy

Maples huh? I bet thats what it is, near those hives i think theres alot of them. I still can't believe how fast they drew out that comb!! Last year my first hive took a month at least!!

Bee Boy
Bee Boy