Varroa and Nosema Apis or N.Ceranea

Started by Spomenko, June 30, 2010, 10:37:52 AM

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1.  Before handling the hives required hygiene, because in our hands is a lot of bacteria (with asepssol).
2.  Add sugar syrup (food) cooked on bad way should be avoided.
3.  Treated with various chemicals, leaving many opportunities for the development of bad situation.
4.  Propolis is made from petroleum or oil, and if somewhere or a fatty oil paints in the vicinity of the hives then propolis bad, and not helping bees. (must be buds and conifers in the vicinity( tree, pine))
5. Humidity in the hive is spam and the worst.
  Seven years of using medicinal syrup that I am ready.
  I use it to spray, but usually in addition to the sugar syrup that I use only when they must to.
  Preparing medicinal syrup as follows>
                 In larger bowl 12 to 15 liters Pour and add:
1. Alcohol 96% ............................................................................5 liters
2. Distilled water......................................................................... 5 liters
3. (Salvius oficinalis) divided........................................................1 kg.
4. (Satureja montana) divided.......................................................0.3 kg

                              Match and holds 7-10 days, after which the extract and holds up to use.
Extract of preparing each year in the fall and spring MUST, and use it as prevention.
                                              IT IS EXTRACT.
                                Add it to the syrup and 0.5 to 1 liter to 50 liter of sugarsyrup.
                                              IT IS MEDECINAL SYRUP
             Every beecompany in the fall (until the end of September) to obtain the 3 liters of medicinal syrups.
    Syrup preparing for the fall in the combined 5-3 (sugar: water) or 50 kg of sugar add 30 liters of hot water (40 *Celsius).This should be quick and well mixed while still hot to all the sugar melted.
           I do this in a plastic container(60 liters) on which I installed tap.
            And while it's still hot syrup add 1 liter of extract and mixed well. This is a fall of concentration, which showed excellent results.
            While the syrup 30*C add it to the feeder every night for 1 liter.
            It is essential that every beecommunity gets the 3 liters of medicinal syrups.If a beecommunity is missing and 7-8 kg of food,free to add it to 7-8 liters of medicinal syrups.
             IN Spring again as the prevention using medicinal syrup prepared in relation to other sugar: water where now add 0.5 liters extract to 50 liters of sugar syrup.
              Every beesociety gets the 3 liters of syrup or twice a week-week, half-liter.So three weeks after is,1 liter.
            If you add a beesociety that had no food and a much larger quantity of this medicinal syrup, the bees will be happy to take and not anything wrong.
            If you do this you will not have affected beesocieties and if you already have a beesociety suffering from Nosema Ceranae and again in the spring you see signs Nosema Ceranae sprayed it is necessary as I already mentioned the whole beecommunity with the diluted extract(with water) solution.
              This is the second time( first time ,apiservices forum)to publicly declare my complete, simple and extremely effective way to fight Nosema Ceranae and varroa mites and warmly recommend it to all beekeepers.
                I hope that someone would be useful to the post-memo-text published in the journal Beekeeper, so time to present and other beekeepers.Especially if we know that the Internet is not available a vast number of beekeepers.
  Cake meal as follows>
              Never more, even in the madness, there is no need.
On many devices and medicines I could write, it is easier for me to send email, if you are interested.
So, greetings.  Spomenko T.
P.S.Currently investigating a machine that does not use a water drop to break Varroa in 80%.
What remains to finish daze with plant.
I have only two hives intentionally infected and I can not upgrade machine.I not lose hope because they will find someone to help us in this fight against the disease.


so this is your more natural spring treatment?  you do this instead of the antibiotic treatments that many still use?

thank you for sharing your methods.  it is always fascinating to see what others do.
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Never,NEVER,unacceptable traces of antibiotics in honey