new home

Started by bill, May 19, 2005, 03:55:39 PM

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the swarm I got last week is settled into its new home consisting of ten frames of foundation. when i put the foundation in they were clustered on the north wall of the hive body. I added the frames with foundation slowly and let the weight settle without killing to many I hope.I looked in last evening and noticed they are still huggging the same wall but are drawing out comb on the first couple of frames. I assumed they would move to the middle of the hive. i know they usually put honey on the outside edge of the hive body. is this normal. I guess they don't really have a concept of where they are. I am curious to see how they will go. Is it good medicine to manipulate them or just let them do their own thing.

Michael Bush

They always seem to have a prefered side.  Usually the east or south side.
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Mine is mostly in the South east corners.
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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My smaller colonies like the southside.   large colonies doesn't seem to matter as much.


I got another call today but the guy called back in about ten minutes and said they had flew away. I was kind of glad as I am not quite ready to house another one I need to put some foundation on some more framesand get another deep ready in my kit. shame though they were in a lo hanging tree and it would have been an easy one. I now have original hive one nuc and two swarm colonies. the swarms are very docile so far but I have found out that a strong hive is much more aggressive than a swarm or a nuc. I am just hoping they do not have african blood