Happy Town...." Happy Horse S%^T" is more like it

Started by beemaster, July 05, 2010, 09:53:22 PM

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For 8 grueling episodes I watched this show - after 2 cancellations by ABC, a season halt of 3 weeks and a final episode that left the INTERNET puzzled, know one REALLY KNOWS who the Musicman really is. IT could be any of a half a dozen characters, and rather than end the show with a decisive actor/actress or TEAM, we are left hanging with little to no idea of who the person(s) who killed or kidnapped 7 people was/were.

Nor do we know WHY the people were taken, it appeared random, but after stopping 5 years, it began again and then with a few piled shockers, it left us hanging without another show to be made. This really was the worse ABC ever did at making a series, that otherwise COULD have been a good thriller.

People who appeared bad were actually "Bad but NOT as bad as others" relatively they were some of the good guys. The good people stuck to their morals as the wicked showed more and more of their evil, but too many people came forward making it impossible to figure who the real "Magic-Man" was. LAME LAME LAME to not finish the series with a definite ending that was clear. It actually left countless questions, something no show should do.

Anyone else watch this sad excuse of a mystery thriller???
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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