2 new hives.... FOR FREE!!!

Started by Horns Pure Honey, May 20, 2005, 11:31:34 PM

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Horns Pure Honey

Ok, I went to this guys house and told him who I was and asked him if his hives where for sale, he told me no :( . Well My grandpa turned out to know the guy very well and he gave them to me!!! :D  :D  :D . One hive was 2 brood boxes and 4 supers and has no bees, the second hive is 1 brood box and 3 supers. There is also an extra hive top and inner cover. Well I have been working on the hives since 3:30 today and it is now 9:30, I am just dead tired. I moved the empty hive and extra parts to my house and opened up the hive with bees. Now here is the problem. I opened it up and the top super has no frames! I am going to hook it into frames since it is straight peices built on top of the other frames. I am sanding and painting the empty hive and transfering them to it. After they are in there new hive in my apiary I will clean out there old hive and re-do it too. I guess that is all I have to say, bye!!! :D  :D  :D
Ryan Horn

Miss Chick-a-BEE

So are you saying you have one box that has all natural comb going everywhere? That would be a mess I bet. :) But great news all together! You've got some work on your hands.


Horns Pure Honey

Yes I do, I am gonna drain what ever comb I have to pull out and save the wax becuase it isnt too dark yet. :D

O yeah,  he is looking out at his farm this week to see if he has anything good out there to give, Im so happy!!!!!!! :D
Ryan Horn


great . last year i was given a huge amount of hives supers and old frames At the time I knew nothing. He also gave me a large extractor and a bottling tank ( I think ) it is stainless steel and has a thermostate but no element. he also gave me boxes and boxes of foundation of all three sizes. Alot of it is old but renewable, but a lot of it is in good condition and I am using six deep bodies and three supers. I might buy new frames though. I have found it is not fun for a frame to fall apart when you take it out lol.  there are a lot of beekeepers here who got out of it so if I make money I will try to find more later on. anyway I am happy for you good luck

Horns Pure Honey

When I got in it I closed it after a few minutes and decided that was tomarrows project, lol. I could see all the frames, that are there, where glued in with LOTS of propolis.  :D
Ryan Horn


I am VERY jelous of your good fotune!!  Anyways, congradulations on getting the hives and parts for free!

Horns Pure Honey

That one hive is going to take all day to work and clean. :x  O well, just a part of a bee keeper, and hey, its free :D
Ryan Horn


That sounds great. Don't forget to return the favor. I bet the old guy would really appreciate a quart ot two of honey whe you get it.

Horns Pure Honey

I told him I would and he said all he wanted was a pint of honey. Plus today my dad and I went to move the hive with bees. I sealed them up or so I thought. They came out of a space I didnt see and I got stung 2 times. My dad started laughing and we just decided to wait till tomarrow. :D
Ryan Horn

Horns Pure Honey

I moved and cleaned the hive today thanks to my best bee budy Jack, We had to knock all the  natural comb out without frames into a tub and put the bees in a new hive. There was alot of really new comb full of caped honey so we filled 7 quart jars with it. I compresed it all and got 3 quarts out of it. We could have had more but it was really dark and had some brood :x . They seamed to like there new home just fine and I think they will be happy here, night :D
Ryan Horn



One of the members of our club, Central Ohio Beekeepers, suggested that I scorch the inside of the used boxes I got from another retired beekeeper.  Said it would help control the spread of some diseases and wax moths into my colonies.

Just a thought.

Horns Pure Honey

I melted it down. I sanded and scorched them. :D
Ryan Horn