requeening NOW

Started by oldretiredguy, July 11, 2010, 03:30:01 PM

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I live in NW N.J. and started two pkgs in April-- one is doing very well--

The other has only drawn out 3 frames and the activity is minimal--

I am going to open the hive tomorrow and check for emerging brood and eggs--

I think the queen is not laying properly

Considering the date (11 July) do you think it is too late to requeen??

If so, I'll merge the two colonies via the newspaper method--


Never too late to requeen, well almost never :)  Just make sure that there is no queen in there.  I would like to know how the brood, if any, is doing.  What is it, all drones?  Right now is when the honey season turns out of the "red" as they say in wall street.  It is the busiest time for them so they should have the most bees, most brood, and work the most to get honey for winter up here.


have you been feeding this weak colony or not?Is the frames full of nectar so the queen can not lay? And are there a lot of bees?