My opinion

Started by drone1952, August 05, 2010, 12:46:35 PM

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In a discussion with my beekeepers friends  I made the statement  All queens reared by grafting or Jenter kit and Nicot are emergency queens.Only swarming queens are real queens the bees  reared .With you help I try to find out if I'm wrong.(I thimk I read this in a beekeeping magazine) :shock:


Why would it make a difference? If I graft from a particular queen and raise the cells they will have the same genetics as a swarm queen cell from that same queen. If I set up a strong cell builder and provide them the right quantities of pollen and nectar there should be no difference in the resulting queens. Over a period of time you'll have just as many failures/successes with swarm queens as with well fed grafted queens.


Either way, they are all real queens that the bees reared.  Who cares if the results are the same?

Throw in supercedure queens.  What are those?

I guess there could be the arguement that emergency queens are inferior, but that is only if they raise queens from older larvae, and when when forcing queen rearing the beekeeper forces the bees to start out with larvae of about the right age.

So all in all, barring beekeeper incompetence/inexperience, it's all good.


A complement stupid: why then are blamed when EQ is find the hive. I have to chage because it is emergency and not from a famous breeder queen.I don't want to be impolite.


i wouldn't worry about it.  it's the performance that counts.  people buy queens all the time that don't perform well.  people/hives raise queens all the time that are good.  i let mine raise their own and for the most part they are better queens than those i have purchased. 

The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


I think perhaps you are confusing 'the reasons' the bees will produce a queen vs the quality of the queen.  No matter what reason (1 thru 3) you may obtain good queens or poor queens with 'the reason' not being one bit important to the end results.  There are simply many more variable in how the end product comes out beyond this initial reason.
I am 'the panther that passes in the night'... tecumseh.


Quote from: drone-1952 on August 05, 2010, 12:46:35 PM
In a discussion with my beekeepers friends  I made the statement  All queens reared by grafting or Jenter kit and Picot are emergency queens.Only swarming queens are real queens the bees  reared With you help I try to find out if I'm wrong.(I thimk I read this in a beekeeping magazine) :shock:
the problem with emergency suppecedure cells is the age of the larvae is not always optimal-(sometimes to old for best results)bees use whatever is avalible-when you graft or use a graftless system you are in control of the larves age and are in line for best results-so i would say that your wrong in comparing the two-another thing to remember is that swarm cels are finished off in a queenright hive-this makes for longer and better feeding of the larve-this is something that you control also with the graft or nicot -and many belive this is how a good cell is produced-(queenright versus queenless finisher) something to think about anyway  8-) RDY-B