counting take offs

Started by bill, May 24, 2005, 09:46:17 PM

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I often sit and watch the bees landing and taking off. I was wondering is there a way of counting the takeoffs and landing, I mean on the small ones where it is still possible, like my two swarms and a nuc, and getting a rough count of bees. it is obvious that it tells you if they are weaker or stronger, but I will bet that someone has ran this down into  a formula or something to give you an idea of the number. It is still a good way to waste time anyway though


A formula would work if the rates where somewhat consistent, but there are too many variables like time,temperature, available nectar, etc that affect the amount of travel regardless of the hive strength.

I have often thought about building an electronic counter, but it is on the wishlist which I never seem to have time for.

My thought was to use small screen cones (like the ones on some pollen trap exits)  have the cone lead into a 1 bee wide tube.  Place the tube between 2 IR sensors, so when a bee passes, it trips a counter.    Since it is only one bee at a time, multiple tubes would be needed both ways so that you can count coming and going.   A good PIC project, if I only had the time :wink:
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Michael Bush

Just glue bar codes on them all and scan them as they come and go.  :)
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Ha, that is a good one micheal.

On a side note, vegetables and fruit will soon be labeled with bar codes burned into them with lasers.  No lie.  Just waiting for the technology to become cheaper.

Michael Bush

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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin