Reagan telling Soviet jokes

Started by AllenF, October 22, 2010, 01:49:54 PM

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This is one thing that drove the libs crazy, he could make a point with a joke. When he made a speech to the people,he talked to the people,not at them.
This man had faith in the American people. He strived to raise everyone,not lower us to the least common denominator. And most of all,he realized that the government digging into your purse was not the best way to prosperity.


just one of many reasons why that man is my favorite president ( among those from my lifetime anyway )
Confucius say "He who stand on toilet is high on pot"


He was so quick with a quip.  One of my all-time favorites was after the assassination attempt, when he was wheeled into surgery, right before the anesthesiologist put him out, he said "I hope you're all Republicans..."


He hast to be one of my all time favorite Presidents, heres hoping Chris Christy decides to run in 2012, because I think he will be a President like Reagan.
Semper Fi to all my brothers out there


Can you just imagine Obama telling al-Qaeda jokes or ripping one about Osama bin Laden on TV.   This is about how the times have changed.   Reagan stood firm against communism and the communist states and was not scared to tell anyone about it.  Remember the time he said he outlawed Russia and said that the bombers were on the way to end the world of this trouble while off air on his radio message.   He was joking, but the message was sent.  All guts.

David McLeod

OMG, we so desperately need another one like him. What is wrong with us that the punchline "Hell no, it's going to get alot worse" can apply to our current administration. Tuesday is coming vote like your life depended on it, because it does!
Georgia Wildlife Services,Inc
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Thank you for posting these.  For a few minutes the World was right again.  X:X :lau:
Make Mead!


Can't help but feel patriotic after seeing him up there, got me excited! We need another Reagan!

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Great moments. Thanks for posting Allen.


Reagan was the first President I got a chance to vote for, and the greatest to date. Hard to believe its been 30 years until I look in the mirror - lol.

He surely was the RIGHT MAN at the RIGHT TIME. Will the Republicans find a candidate that even qualifies to hold a candle toward Reagan for 2012? I don't know how well Ronnie would go over today, it is a world where the CHILDREN of the BABY BOOMERS are getting old enough to fall into the age when people really start to vote.

The teens and early 20's can't put their smart phones down long enough to go to the polls, but the later 20's and up (the ones who now have mortgages and children of their own suddenly find interest in government.

But every election (sadly) goes to the saying that Frank Rizzo (ex-mayor of Philadelphia) had quoted about the candidates that were running to fill his spot "In this election, you are voting for the EVIL of TWO LESSERS!" twisting the original saying around to drive a point home. Simply put, which of these bums are going to do the LEAST damage. Sadly, that is what we will be looking at in 2012 for the Whitehouse, no matter who is put up.

Not to thread the topic too much(if this takes off, I'll split it) but besides dumping the Electoral College, we need to having ONLINE VOTING established. You might say "Lordy Beemaster, that's the last thing we need" but if banks with trillions of dollars, the worlds largest companies and even the IRS is confident with online security measures, then I think we can comfortably move voting there too.

I deal with my bank strictly online (as most people do today) and the username and password (and usually a security key) is satisfactory for them to handle over 100 billion in funds, I really think it's time to open the polls online.

If you did so (as an option like mail-in ballots) then imagine this newer generation taking advantage - to them it's just surfing, not actually having to do anything physical (God forbid) then I'd bet the number of voters would sky rocket. And maybe, just maybe - we'd see a candidates who deserve to get in have people cast their votes. Imagine a country where 90% of eligible voters actually vote, I could live with that!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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I look at it this way now,  the people who vote now take the time to half way understand who they are voting for.   The informed (or misinformed) voter.  If the other half of the population that does not vote, (and could care less about it or doesn't understand the issues) votes, who are they or what are they going to vote for?   A cool ad or slogan and not who or what is running.  That would be the same as letting my 4 year old vote. 


I don't believe that making it easier for the uninformed masses to vote is a good idea.  Most of us have seen the interviews done during the 2008 elections where voters were turning out for no other reason than for the opportunity to participate in putting a semi black man in the white house.  They knew nothing about the issues the candidates were running on, it was embarrassing.

Yes I would like to see more people voting, but I want them to be informed voters, not computer junkies playing another internet game. 

I would rather we pass a short questionair on the issues before we get to vote, but that would open us up for abuse and voter fraud I'm afraid.  At least the system we now have makes us make some effort even if we don't know squat about what we are doing.


I guess I'm not alone in thinking that THOSE who go to the polls are NOT generally educated in the candidates, their stance on issues, nor the referendums of any election. I tend to think MOST people who vote do so because they believe it to be the right thing to do.

In the same genre, if it came to TESTING voters to see if they understood exactly what they were voting for, I highly doubt you'd see vote numbers increase, actually I'd expect a dip in the polls.

But the population has one positive that I believe would better the results of elections - that is generally conceived ideas of what the candidate and party stand for. I doubt that most people grasp what a politician's true agenda is: who's hand is in who's pocket, lobbyists, special interest groups, aspirations for higher seats - all goals for bettering their own life-style, not those of the masses.

But I see voting like JURY DUTY - image instead of 12 peers that judged a case, a thousand or ten thousand had access to the same evidence, wouldn't the defendant have a fairer trial? I would rather stand trial with thousands of juror deciding my fate than 12, I'd feel the out come to be less of a dice roll Our country's population is likely to drop in 20 years, due to the smaller families (due to high unemployment, etc.) all being experienced by the Children of the Baby Boomer, meanwhile the actual number will likely climb due to illegal immigration.  With smaller families in the forecast, we may drop below 300 million again in a decade, but we have a chance to allow everyone (informed or not - as is the case now) to vote and be heard on election day, why pass that up?

But keeping with your idea, image a website that HAD a civics test prior to voting on line, wouldn't that solve the problem somewhat? My point, we need to be represented better and the only way to do that is to see that ALL THOSE WHO CAN VOTE, DO!

a small percentage go the absentee route, many of them just don't vote and honestly MOST of them are from the Greatest Generation who just can't make it to the polls anymore due to health. Yet, the Senior Population is the LARGEST growing block on the Internet.

So, giving the youth an online option and filling the void for the aged is a win win. We need representation of the masses, yet the mass shows up in pathetic numbers to vote. And that goes without saying that it is NOT written anywhere in the Constitution about being politically savvy to pull a lever - so using technology to bring the masses to the polls is a good thing. Individually, a person may see their moral stance stampeded by differing views, but it is the right thing to do - have a country that best reflects the citizens.

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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QuoteWe need representation of the masses, yet the mass shows up in pathetic numbers to vote.

they turned out pretty well for the last prez election.  not sure that was a +! 

i am not for encouraging people to vote just for the sake of exercising a right.  those who care about their rights will vote.  those who don't, are not the kind of people we want electing those who have the power to mess with our rights.  if you are to apathetic to educate yourself and vote, please don't! 

i'm also not in favor of making it easier to vote.  for those who really can't make it to the polls, i don't have a problem  with absentee ballots.  for everyone else, go to the poll and for cripes sake REQUIRE SOME REAL ID!!  i hate our system in oregon, although this state seems to have done a pretty good job of keeping the system honest.  not so in other states.  WA has a horribly corrupt system.  Dino Rossi lost the governors race a few years back because of the corpses who voted.  for every bogus registration or absentee ballot caught, how many make it through?

not all fraud can be stopped, but why the heck are we making it easier to subvert the election process?
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859



I'm not saying that "Making it easier to vote" is like offering a living healthy human up for lunch at a Zombie Conference - I just don't want people to have to push the "We need more Brains" button which is always a likely scenario, but what is wrong with increasing the ability for eligible voters to get their ballots  tallied?

Sure we can all walk up hill 5 miles in heavy snow and wind in our faces to get to the polls OR all jump in the car and drive, but neither way make an educated voter any more patriotic. I'm saying, if I'm a life long voter, smart enough to know the candidate and not cast a token party vote, then any option available through technology SHOULD be used to make voting easy as possible.

Sooooo, what if a knowledgeable voter never sees the inside of a booth again, instead sits home and casts his/her vote from the comfort of their living room - I see no harm in that. It would be comforting to me to know that IF I forgot to Absentee a ballot, I could just go online and securely do my civic duty. To the general public, little is asked of the citizenry; voting, taxes and jury duty are the big three that come to mind.

I see the day when voter volunteers go house to house with wifi laptops allowing home-ridden citizens to cast a vote when health issues wouldn't allow and absentee voting is too late. This would need to be a group (at least a rep from each mainstream party) if checks and balance are to work, but it can be done. In smaller districts where candidates win or loss by just hundreds of votes, having every valid vote would be the ultimate tribute to our founding fathers and the dream of democracy.

The harm starts and ends with education, political science often is cultistic (my made up word for the day) in the way a teacher who thrives on spell-binding their students to see their points of view. There is no way to remove impartiality from agenda driven teachers and impressionable students are often lead to the slaughterhouse willingly. And when a motivational teacher can control the actions of a hundred or more students, it reminds me of stories we hear of people registered in multiple districts, often voting for the same candidate half a dozen times.

And yes Kathy, we saw record setting votes cast in much of the land during the last Presidential Race - and we can all imagine why. Everyone inclined to do so, didn't care how scoundrelous a man could be, as long as they got to say "I helped get the first Black Man in office, I'm part of history!"  Most of us agree Obama is a puppet, we just don't know who all is pulling the strings.

Record voting can back-fire against anyone's agenda, but is better to have voted and lost than to never have voted at all.
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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the online banks and IRS security is not infallible.  There is public doumentation every day of servers at these institutions being hacked, account info accessed, internet pathways being re-directed and so on.

Just this week we saw the white house and other government depts admit that a large amount of data was "re-directed" to servers in China.

They admit to not knowing if anything was done to the data, if there was, what was it, specifically who was it.  You get the idea.

the online encryption is actually safer  (though it would be safer if the govt would join modern times and stop limiting our encryption out of paranoia.  even though encryption on web sites where the data collection takes place is safe, the servers where the data is stored is where the risk is.

observe the recent release of about 100 photos of scan images from court room and air port scanners that we were told would NEVER be saved or compromised?  The data was taken from state/County computers in Florida.  So much for internet security of "never to be accessible" data.

I am a network admin.  This is what I do for a local school that depends on keeping student and staff records safe as well as running several other web sites which collect user data.

There is no such thing as a 100% secured system.  if they want the data bad enough and have the resources, they WILL get it.

When it comes to the potential power to be gained in voting for a person or a party and the shenanigans we have already seen in voter fraud such as the things ACORN and other political movement groups have been found guilty of, there is NO doubt that the desire would be there to try to compromise an online voting system.

people in this country have the "right" to vote, not a mandate to do so.  if they want to participate in the system, no one should legally get in their way .

However, this is supposed to be America, we supposedly recognize Free Will.  If someone doesn't want to exercise their ability, the "right" to vote, they don't have to.

to anyone who wants to vote, I say find a way to get up and do so.  For those who want to but can't, such as illness, injury, deployment, etc... we have absentee ballots for that.

We see the "success" of online voting now in tv shows like Americas Got talent and American Idol and Dancing with the stars.  Those networks use the same high tech to protect their data and servers that is accessible to the banks and government.

We see what easy public voting brings to those shows.  

Sorry, I could never get on board that train.


on line voting might have it's uses in limited circumstances.  the military overseas might actually get to vote if they could vote online.  at least their ballots wouldn't have to depend on a corrupt state and/or the US mail.

the more time and ways for voting, the more chance for illegal activity.  there have always been places, like Chicago, where you knew that vote was rigged....or could be rigged.  now we have national organizations dedicated to tipping elections by whatever means they can.  we have governments, both state and national, who are so PC that they will not do what is required to safeguard the process.  

example from my area.  we used to be able to get a drivers license with only proof of address.  that could be a utility bill, etc.  even that requirement was squishy.  you could bring in "proof" in anothers name and just swear that you lived at that address.  while you were getting your license, you could registrar to vote.  after all, you just swore that you lived in the area...

you all know what DMV is like.  we dread going there because we know it's going to be crowded and take all day, right?
about 3 years ago, Oregon DMV started requiring proof of legal residency to get the drivers license.  birth certificate, legal ID + SSN...  i forgot about it and went in with my military ID and they wouldn't serve me.  it was not enough.  :-D
i thought the requirement was a great idea, but i had no idea what the real benefit would be!

the DMV is EMPTY!!!!

it's actually nice to do business in there.  so, what is my point?  before the residency requirement, anyone wandering though for a divers license, legal or not, could register to vote at the same time.  in fact, they were encouraged to register.  how many were not legal residents?

and that's a small example compared to what ACORN and other groups have done.  they have subverted the process.  not by accident or by over zealous but well intentioned activities, but intentionally and with one outcome in mind.  

we don't need a month to vote.  we don't need it to be "convenient".  we need to understand what our civic duties are, and more important, what our civic responsibilities are.  only then will we have the motivation to educate ourselves and get our backsides to the polling place to make an educated vote.  
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Don't know what post it started at but this has turned in to a coffee house post. Nothing funny in the last few post. A good read but not funny.
Fight organized crime!  Re-elect no one.