A Great loss to our industry

Started by rrussell6870, December 10, 2010, 03:53:39 AM

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On 12-08-10 Julius Neal Russell, one of the world's most respected entomologist, and one of the nation's first commercial queen breeders, passed away quietly at St. Dominic's Hospital in Jackson, MS.

His life had been devoted to the research and developement of the US honey bee industry and he has given so much for us all.

His family will miss him and the world will be a darker place without him.

Services will be held Saturday at Baldwin-Lee Funeral home in Raymond, MS and he will be laid to rest in his family cemetery in Raymond at 11:00am.

His life's work shall be continued by his son Robert L. Russell. All who knew him, knew that he was a wonderful man.

Please anyone who knew him is welcome to comment on this thread... We would love to hear from you.


I didn't know him,but I am sorry to hear of your loss of a loved one.
Maybe you can stop by the forum once in a while and keep the memory  fresh in the minds of those here that did know him personally.
God Bless!