the chicken lady is at it again

Started by Miss Chick-a-BEE, June 08, 2005, 11:53:14 AM

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Miss Chick-a-BEE

Well, I went and did it.

I do believe I have lost my mind. :)

I ordered MORE chicks. This time I ordered a few more partridge rock females, a more few dark cornish (male & female), some barred rocks (male  & female), and my dream chickens - salmon faverolles (male & female). That now gives me 5 different breeds to work with next spring - and over 40 of them hens!! I am going to be absolutely run over with eggs - about 250 a week. LOL

What have I done?  :shock: Maybe I'll be able to sell the extra off at .25 cents a dozen or something.

I also better get my butt in gear and build onto the barn for 3 more pens. But thank goodness chickens are really cheap to feed. And thank goodness my husband doesn't mind. Actually he's pretty happy that I'm having so much fun.

Honey bees and chickens on a little farm....... who could ask for anything nicer than that? :)


Michael Bush

>Honey bees and chickens on a little farm....... who could ask for anything nicer than that?  

You just need a nice springer spaniel and some Friesian horses. :)

I've had the salmon faverolles, well actually I've had all of those but the dark cornish.  The faverolles are certainly interesting.  :)  The feathered feet AND a beard AND five toes makes them pretty unique.  :)  They did well enough in Western Nebraska when I had them.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Miss Chick-a-BEE

I'd love to have horses Michael. I've always wanted a horse, and did anything I could to find times to ride when I was younger. But I've never had my own horse.

My dream horse would be a gypsy vanner horse. Very pretty. I like the Friesian, but they just aren't my total dream horse. But with what money I'd have available to buy a horse, I'd probably get either a morgan horse or a paint. I also like the attitude of an arabian.

No spaniels for me though. I've got a flat coated retriever and a golden retriever, plus a mutt shepherd/hound. I'm the kind of person that likes a big, slobbering, mellow dog - burmese or saint bernard type. But with the three I've got, I don't plan to have any others at this time. :)


Horns Pure Honey

Did you get your goats Beth? Come on, we where both going to have the land of milk and honey in diff states, lol, bye :D
Ryan Horn

Miss Chick-a-BEE

Actually ..... I plan to go to a sale today (goat and chicken auction), and just might come home with something. :) I'll have to see. I only have $50, and my husband may not let me buy a thing. :( Heck, once he hears I plan to go, he may hide the car keys from me! he he

He doesn't even know yet that there is a sale, or that I "plan" to go. I left him a note at the coffee maker for when he wakes up. It has the ad from the paper cut out, and a note that says - "if you are a wise husband, you'll go with me to this sale to keep me from coming home with something". He rarely goes out with me places, and his dad is too busy to go today, so you know if I go alone I might get myself in trouble ..... like naughty little wives can be when they're off with a pocket full of money.

So, good timing with your post. Cause I'm up to all kinds of trouble on this very day. :)


Horns Pure Honey

LoL, that dosent really supprise me. :lol:
Ryan Horn

Miss Chick-a-BEE

Well Ryan, it turned out the hubby was fine with the whole thing, but didn't go with me this particular time. He wants to go next time though, now that I went once and found it to be a large enough sale with fairly good deals.

Here I'd figured on him being SO mad, and instead he just said "I've got too much to do so I can't go with you, but if you get something, just make sure it's not some charity case and half dead".

It was fun though, and most of the animals look like what I see in a typical field around here. Most of them looked to be 5-8 months old, some boar mixes and I wasn't sure on the other breeds. The nannies generally sold for $40 or less, and the billies generally sold for $50 or more. I can deal with that. Chad's going next time to see what it's like.

They had chickens too, and most of those sold for $5 each. Myself and a couple friends have a few chickens we need to sell (I have ONE), so I'll probably take them down with me one of these times.

Chat later,

Horns Pure Honey

Sounds good to me but the nannies should be more $$$ than the billies. Chickens sound a fair price too. I am surprised your husband said ok too, lol, we have so much to catch up on, talk later, bye :D
Ryan Horn

Bruce Hanson

BETH,Beth,Beth,,                     What are we going to do with you.    More chickens and now goats,I guess I'll have to come up with another name for             We finally got done extracting last week,ended up with about 100lb average.I have been shipping my bees to Calif.for the winter and  almond pollonation in Feb.I have shipped out 3 loads with 3 to go,hope to be done by the end of the week.With to price of fuel up   it cost 3.00 a mile for freight.,,  ouch.                                  Have fun with your new farm friends,Ilike my eggs sunny side up.                                             Keep Smileing                       Bruce


This is my first post here, and I am so thrilled to see that there are other people who have chickens and bees .... a little about my plans:

Hubby is very interested in beekeeping, we started bee school last Thursday with the local beekeeping organization.  I'm planning on getting chickens this spring.  Hubby was worried that the chickens would eat the bees or something, it's good to know that they're compatible.

Hope to hang around here and learn from you all!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

Click for Hanson, Massachusetts Forecast" border="0" height="150" width="256

Horns Pure Honey

It is a great combo, not 2 many chickens are stupid enough to stand in front of the hive more than once, lol :)
Ryan Horn



Welcome aboard the forums!!!! You have joined at a good time, activity is picking up (as is membership) after an early Winter slowdown when most of us are taking a break from the hives and busy dealing with the cold, holidays and family matters.

You should really enjoy the farm section - Ryan Horn is a very bright young man who loves this forum and will be a great person to chat with, not to forget many others who also life the good life of the Great American Country Life!!!!!

Best wishes and please stay active with us, we can all learn from sharing experiences and you'll find many topical areas here to stimulate good conversation. As I mention to all new members, if you have ideas for forums which you think will have a place here JUST let me know and I'll see what I can do to bring more interaction to the members.

Hope you have found a new play-ground, thanks for posting and see you around soon :)
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Michael Bush

I've had free range chickens and free range bees for 32 years.  :)  Well off and on.  Sometimes in town they wouldn't let me have the chickens.  :)
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Horns Pure Honey

LOL, in some large cities you can have chickens as long as kept as pets and not for food.
Ryan Horn


Ha! I have chickens too, they love my bees.  Every now and then you will see them snap one up on a flower. but I don't think they are a big problem.
People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.
- David H. Comins


Actually you can have a little circle going on; chickens eat a few bees, the chicken poop goes on your garden, the bees make honey from your garden flowers!
People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.
- David H. Comins