Organic Standards

Started by leominsterbeeman, June 09, 2005, 12:35:45 PM

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Someone recently asked me if my honey was Organic and I told her, "No."  So I looked into what it would take to make me compliant and Organic, and I would not be able to do it, easily.

I thought this would be a good resource for
anyone with the same questions/concerns.

US Standards:

UK Standards:

EU Standards:

Reference from BeeSource:

Michael Bush

The US link didn't work for me, but as I understand the requirements have not been finalized yet.  They are still working on them.
My website: en espanol:  auf deutsche:  em portugues:
My book:
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Chad S

I am a NOFA member, and organic Mkt Gardner.  My understanding is that you have to document all that you do with the hives, and use IPM as much as possible.  You also have to get certified which the folks at NOFA could help you with.  I took a class with a guy from VT who stated that he was certified, but he did talk about using chemicals etc. to manage mites.


Well there is a difference between organic honey and organic bees, correct?

Wis Bee

US standards

  Section 6.7.2

 I guess if your bees are within 2 miles of many agricultural areas
  qualifying for the organic standard would not be possible??

  Section 6.7.5

 Why can't an organic beekeeper use plastic frames or



I don't know anything about certifying honey as organic, but I keep a few chickens around the house for egg's, and I have read what it takes to call egg's orgainc.
The rules are VERY strict
ya gotta let em run loose
ya gotta feed em feed made from organic crops (which it's a lot of trouble to get certified)
can't give em any meds
mine aren't organic but they're WAY better than what comes from the store :D
