Wax Melting using a crock pot?

Started by RebelRx, June 11, 2005, 03:07:00 PM

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Has anyone every used a crock pot to melt cappings into a cake. How hot will a typical crock pot get? I was thinking about getting a large one put some water in it and try melting some cappings.  Just curious if anyone has tried this.


I havent but it sounds like a dang good idea. I think I have an old one laying somewhere. I might try it.

Miss Chick-a-BEE

I used a double broiler, that I didn't mind being destroyed and only used for wax there after. I put water in with the wax, heated it all, and after the wax melted I let it cool. The wax floats to the top for easy removal.



I don't recommend this,  I think the heat will be added too slowly and you will be tempted to "set it and forget it" and you can't do this with wax. Then when it reaches the flame point of the wax, the wax may ignite and burn your house down.  Sorry,  I am speaking like a fireman's  son.

I use an old pan add water and heat slowly, stirring constantly.  

Solar wax melter is also good.


I use a crock pot all the time, but usually only when I'm planning on being around. Sometimes I add water but usually I just throw in the wax and turn it on. Takes a couple of hours. I've never used it to melt cappings.... yet....

I'm not sure, but I think they're thermostatically controlled at around 200 degrees or so.  I'm probably wrong, it likely gets hotter, I wouldn't use it to try and boil water, it would take forever.

We routinely use crock pots for soups and such, they can simmer for hours without ever boiling vigorously.

"So long, and thanks for all the fish"

Martha Beemom

I use one for melting wax. Make sure it is the kind with the removable crock. I do add water the first melt. Then I pour the whole thing into one of those aluminum big square pans they use for banquets (I get them at Costco).  Let it cool then just lift out the wax, set it in a collander to dry.

Then remelt, strain through sweatshirt material (fuzzy side up).

I melted some old dark comb this past weekend. More junk than wax. I will now just toss the old comb, wasn't worth the hassle.

I also get those great big aluminum "oven liners" they sell for electric ovens. I put it on a rack just like a cookie sheet with an empty old frame on it, set the oven for 225-250. Melts the wax and stuff right off. It just takes a few minutes, so don't leave and watch it.  :shock:

I did try melting wax on the stove using double boiler method. Too scary for me. I have a gas stove.

Never leave your wax alone, even in the crock pot.  8)



I use a solar melter for capping, but find the crock pot works very well for melting down the cleaned blocks from the solar melting when I go to use the wax.

I bought a cheap $10 one and use the low setting.  when I'm done I just unplug it and let the wax harden in it.  When I need to wax, just plug it back in and add more chunks from the solar melter if needed.  No pots to clean,  or mess on the stove :lol:
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