Bees wanted for lease - Morgan Hill, CA

Started by Pink Cow, March 10, 2011, 01:35:56 PM

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Pink Cow

I have no affiliation with this person but received the following via email from a friend. Posting here in the hope to help both grower and keeper.

"Anyone interested in leasing hives for cherry orchard pollination should call Andy Mariani of Andy's Orchard in Morgan Hill. He contacted me this week, with the dilemma that almond orchards have yet to release the bees, and the cherry's are ready to bloom early. As a result, Andy has a need for 20-30 hives on his orchard in Morgan Hill. Respective suppliers can contact Andy directly on his cellular : 408-838-4596"


I have a beekeeper up here who takes his hives down to the almond orchards, but I can send him this info and see what he does.