Pierco's Drone Frame - The green one

Started by Wayne Miles, June 14, 2005, 10:54:53 AM

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Wayne Miles

Pierco only makes the drone frame to fit the deep hive bodies.  I want to use it in a medium set up.  Will the bees use it, if I put one on the 2nd medium and let it hang into the bottom medium ?  Or should I buy multiples and cut them down to the proper size for mediums ?

BTW, I've been a lurker for some time now.  This is my 1st post, I am  impressed with the responsiveness and detail given in this forum.


If you hang it down then the bees will build burr comb and brace comb  like crazy.  You should cut them down or finda a supplier that sells medium drone frames.

Michael Bush

You can either buy wax drone foundation and put it in a medium frame, or stick a medium frame in the center of a brood nest that has almost no drone and they will pretty much fill it with drone.  Or you can set your saw blade with the teeth backwards and run the deep plastic one through the table saw, or use a hacksaw to cut it off.

There are many possibilities.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
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