i need that thing

Started by hichamessahli, July 01, 2011, 01:47:58 PM

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helleo everybody.
i m new member on this forum.im a beekeeper in morrocco.i love bees so much.the problem here in morrocco is that the beekeeping is still based on old metyhods.i tried to rise some queens by grafting but it was hard and many larves are touched or inaccepted by bees.i tried to have the nicot system or the kerl jenter kit.but in vain. i tried to buy it from e bay.but our country does not support paypal bank.i tried to reach it here in morroco.it wasn t available .so please. if any body wants to help me to get that systm .or having an idea .let a msg to me.and if anybody needs something available here in morrooco .he have to write to me.i swear to god that i will send it first then .u send me what i need .
this is the only way to proof.what i say .choose any thing available here in morrooco i will send it .
try me

hicham essahli
bee lover


Rather than trying to ship something half way around the world, you may want to try the split method. And it is free. Here is a lady who has only been keeping bees a year or two, and has successfully raised queens for her own expansion.

"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


hello great thanks  for ur reply . glad to hear from u ..i will take ur advice
if u have any document or any thing can help send it to me.
honored to receive from u
                                                                     bee lover


Go to Youtube.    Type in hive split and there are a hundred videos on splitting beehives to watch.