IP changed for ventrilo

Started by buzzbee, August 13, 2011, 10:03:10 AM

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The ventrilo host,instantvent.net has changed the ip number for the the ventrilo server.
If you are using the custom name of beemaster.instantvent.net as the server name in the ventrilo program,this does not apply.
However if you originally used an IP number in the hostname/IP slot you need to change it if you can no longer connect.
The new IP number is:
The port number is still 8896
If you put beemaster.instantvent.net as the server name,the IP automatically rolls over and these adjustments are not necessary.


say unable to resolve host name.
Fight organized crime!  Re-elect no one.


in the place for IP/hostname where yiou set up for a connection use:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Click to the right of where it says server
Then make your settings look like this

Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Fight organized crime!  Re-elect no one.


Can't get ventrilo to load ---- down loaded new version but have no server drop down to add ip address etc when i open it?
Tried of messing with it. Also when I hit connect-- it will not connect.
John 3:16


You did download client version?
Also watch whether you have 32 or 64 bit version,totally dependent on the processor in your pc.



Ken I had my computer wipe clean so I lost my ventrillo,tried to install it ,couldn't figure it out, will call you when I see you on  and you can walk me through


That direct IP no longer works.  Have to use the beemaster.instantvent.net in the hostname.  Took me a week to figure out the server IP address had apparently changed.
Take me to the land of milk and honey!!!


still can not get this to work



That video sure helped me...thanks for making it!