IO sting

Started by BlueBee, August 18, 2011, 09:59:55 PM

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Has anybody ever been stung by an IO moth caterpillar?  Found this one on my Nanking Cherry today (Prunus tomentosa)

I've been told the sting from one of these is about like stinging nettle?


Yep, got stung by several when I was a kid.  Ran my arm down in a bush to retrieve a ball and I can remember that my arm/hand felt as if it were on fire...10 out of 10 on the pain scale.


Very interesting BigTwin!  I was too big of a wuss to touch it.  Wow, a 10 out of 10 on the pain scale, that is AMAZING.  I've read that the IO has a bigger punch that most of the other stinging caterpillars. 

I know an entomologist that claimed he can pick them up in his palm and feels nothing, but if they brush up against the back of his hand, he said it was like stinging nettle.  I didn't completely believe him, so I didn't press my luck!