Need simple recipe for trickling oxalic acid on ONE 3# package.

Started by Hoosier, September 26, 2011, 07:41:00 AM

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I've spent an hour reading about trickling oxalic acid, and I'm more confused now than I was when I started.
Can anyone give me the RECIPE in teaspoons, tablespoons, and cups for making enough for ONE three pound package of bees next spring. Thanks!

ETA Any advice and suggestions on how/when/where to trickle OA on the bees will be appreciated too.


 ;) You will be even more confused after having read the replies here below!


I am using OA for varroa control. It is effective if used correctly.
The key point is that the colony being treated must be broodless. The treatment of package of bees can be therefore effective.
In colonies which have brood, only a minor part of the mites are on the bees (called phoretic), the majority is sealed safely inside the cells, protected from the treatment.

When is the colony broodless?
1. A swarm or a package of bees.
2. Depending on the climate in winter there could be a period when brooding is suspended.
3. Artificial swarm.

In case of the artificial swarm, the colony is split in two, but not equally. One part has a queen and flying bees. This part has to be treated while there is no sealed brood. The best time is ~3 days after the split when the flying bees returned to this hive.
The second part of the hive has all the brood but no queen. Now it is useless to treat them with OA. You wait 3 weeks when all brood have emerged, but there is not yet new sealed brood. Now you can treat this part also.

It is often said that the treatment should not be repeated. This has to be interpreted so that a worker be should not bee treated twice. Since the workers are continuously replaced during summer, a colony can be treated theoretically after two months.

In practice one or two treatments per year is sufficient.


I think that I figured it out Comments please:
1 kilogram sugar = 2.2 pounds
1 liter water = .9 quart
75 grams oxalic acid dihydrate = 2/3 cup
Combining sugar, water, and oxalic acid dihydrate gives approximately 1.66 liters ( 7 cups or 1660 millileters) of solution,e.g., enough for 33 3# packages.

50 milliliters = 10 teaspoons = 3.4 tablespoons = .2 cup
Use no more than 50 ml of the solution for each #3 package and dump the rest.


100g Oxalic Acid Dihydrate Laboratory Grade       100g   On Ebay  $1.53
PLUS  Shipping GBP 2.38 ($3.68) United States  Royal Mail Airmail (Small Packets)
Here's my order receipt:
Description   Unit price   Qty   Amount
100g Oxalic Acid Dihydrate Laboratory Grade
Item# 290607685030   £0.99 GBP   1   £0.99 GBP
Shipping and handling   £2.38 GBP
Insurance - not offered   ----
Total   £3.37 GBP
Payment   £3.37 GBP
This charge will appear on your credit card statement as "PAYPAL *PAUL"
Payment sent to [email protected]   
From amount   $5.38 USD
To amount   £3.37 GBP
Exchange rate: 1 U.S. Dollar = 0.626394 British Pounds


I don't get it (the above). 2.2 pounds (35.2 ounces) + .9 quart (29 ounces) + 2/3 cup (2.7 ounces) = 66.9 ounces; however, 66.9 ounces do not equal the supposed to be 1.67L

1.67 liters = 56.46942 ounces      66.9 ounces = 1.978469 liters   HUH?             Something's amiss! ... SEND GIN!


That is complicated indeed! The confusion comes from the fact that Volume units (litre) cannot be converted into weight units (ounce) without knowing the density of the solution.

If you want to make the solution for a single treatment of a colony the tiny amount needed from the ingredients is difficult to measure unless you have a very-very accurate scales.

I don't know what is available in your country, but here OA I can buy in 75 g bags. I mix it to 1 kg of sugar and 1 litre of water and it is done. This solution can be kept in a closed bottle for a long time I believe.

I'm not familiar with the units like teaspoon. Perhaps someone from those parts will come to help you out.


Quote from: boca on September 26, 2011, 02:20:46 PM
That is complicated indeed! The confusion comes from the fact that Volume units (litre) cannot be converted into weight units (ounce) without knowing the density of the solution.

If you want to make the solution for a single treatment of a colony the tiny amount needed from the ingredients is difficult to measure unless you have a very-very accurate scales.

I don't know what is available in your country, but here OA I can buy in 75 g bags. I mix it to 1 kg of sugar and 1 litre of water and it is done. This solution can be kept in a closed bottle for a long time I believe.

I'm not familiar with the units like teaspoon. Perhaps someone from those parts will come to help you out.

THANKS!  You're right!  I'd've remembered that if I hadn't grown senile since I had chemistry in college more than 50 years ago.  


For 3-5 hives

100 g water
100 g sugar
7.5 g oxalic acid

to one box full of bees, 40 ml, 4 ml to each frame gap.

To two box colony  50 ml  5 ml into ech frame gap.

If less bees, 4 ml to each bee filled gap.

Bees become wet if you give over aid from that..

Language barrier NOT included