Re: Oxalic recipe ,spraying with garden sprayer

Started by larry tate, October 15, 2011, 08:13:32 AM

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larry tate

I was talking to a beek that uses a garden sprayer to spray his bees with a oxalic mixture that I forgot. ! gal water, 1 gal corn syrup and ? oxalic. Anyone know the unknown? Thanks for any help


Quote from: larry tate on October 15, 2011, 08:13:32 AM
I was talking to a beek that uses a garden sprayer to spray his bees with a oxalic mixture that I forgot. ! gal water, 1 gal corn syrup and ? oxalic. Anyone know the unknown? Thanks for any help

I can't remember if its Part 1 or Part 2 but heres a link to get you started:

larry tate

Read the article and an still not sure how to mix. Anyone care to tell a dummy ratios in english? LOL


Quote from: larry tate on October 16, 2011, 09:45:39 AM
Read the article and an still not sure how to mix. Anyone care to tell a dummy ratios in english? LOL

Try this one:

Look under concentrations of solutions-gives you weights for strong,medium and weak solutions


If you can do simple math, you can figure it out.  If you want 3% OA than the solution should contain 3 grams of OA for every 100 grams of solution.  So weigh a volume that you think will be more than sufficient like a quart or litter or 1:1 syrup.  What ever the wight is 3% of this total is how much OA you need to add to the batch of OA solution you will make.  You need a good accurate scale for this.

If I am wrong, someone go ahead and bash me stupid but I believe this is simple.  Its the insanely complicated looking formulas that make it confusing.  You could simply take 3 grams of OA, 47 grams of sugar, and 50 grams of water and you would be close enough to a 3% solution of 1:1 OA syrup.  You would dissolve the OA in the water (Warm) then mix in the sugar.

The garden sprayer is practical for large scale application of OA.  In order to get proper application amounts it take several trials to calculate the correct amount of solution applied in a given time, etc.  For a hobby beekeeper, a 60, 80, or 100ml syringe is much more practical.  They can be purchased at Farm and Fleet or Fleet and Farm or probably most farm animal or Pet supply stores in the medication section.
The moment a person forms a theory, his imagination sees in every object only the traits which favor that theory

Thomas Jefferson


Quote from: bee-nuts on October 17, 2011, 04:46:54 AMFor a hobby beekeeper, a 60, 80, or 100ml syringe is much more practical.  They can be purchased at Farm and Fleet or Fleet and Farm or probably most farm animal or Pet supply stores in the medication section.
I haven't done it, but I would guess a food marinade injector from your local department store might work too.


Varroa treatments and oxalicacid trickling has been researched carefully 10 years in European Union Varroa Group.

Thousands of dead mites has been calculated in alternative treatment methods..

For example, spraying here and there has been reasearched.

The methods has been verified in many countries..

Now European Union has made a standard how to arrange researches, because many countries work with issue.


I suppose that guys you are doing something great. What is your research budget?
How many hives you have in comparative studies?

Language barrier NOT included


Quote from: larry tate on October 15, 2011, 08:13:32 AM
I was talking to a beek that uses a garden sprayer to spray his bees with a oxalic mixture that I forgot. ! gal water, 1 gal corn syrup and ? oxalic. Anyone know the unknown? Thanks for any help

really stupid! Beediseases are serious matter.

Are you going to follow some propell head or what?

One gallon water + one gallon syrup = 3,8 litre + 3,8 lite = 7 litres.

According my calculations you may treat 175 hives.

Language barrier NOT included


The trickling recipe for 3 two hives or 5 one box hives is

7,5 g oxalic acid + 100 g water + 100 g sugar --------=160 ml

To two box hive give max 50 ml syrup, 5 in each bee seam.

To one box hive give 40 ml. If the hive is weak, give max 30 ml. To each occupied seam 3 ml.

Wait that the hives are broodless. You may look inside.

You need a digital kitchen balance which accuracy is 1g

don't try to make too small doses.
Language barrier NOT included

larry tate

Not really stupid. The fellow has 3600 hives and loses very few. Pollinates all over.


I do not know that guy. However there exist  splended recipes how to handle varroa.
Language barrier NOT included


**You need a digital kitchen balance which accuracy is 1g**

actual there is a easy way to measure crystals--use a 1/2 inch copper pipe nipel
fill and leval off--this is 1 gram of crystals-- ;) RDY-B


  finski they say you are not real-that you are a computer program on a server in HONG GONG
8-) RDY-B


Well, I treated my 16 hives/nucs with the dribble method 2 days ago. It worked great. The only thing is that the hives are low on brood-definitely not broodless so I'm sure the efficiency dropped somewhat. The good thing is, there are lots of dead mites as well as SHB. I mixed the 35 grams to a liter of 1:1. Had plenty left over but I didnt want to run out half way through the process either. So far, I havent noticed any appreciable mortaliity rate of the bees either. I'm hoping this was the cause of a super slow buildup of some of my hives and in treating them now, will help them come out of winter stronger units. I'm going to build me a vaporizer and use it next time to see which way I prefer-Ive also read that the vaporization is even more effective than the dribble.

larry tate

Thanks for the report. Keep us informed on the mortality rate.


Quote from: VolunteerK9 on November 04, 2011, 06:13:56 PM

I mixed the 35 grams to a liter of 1:1.

you have used the Swisch recipe. The final syrup has oxalic 2.8 %
Language barrier NOT included


Another newbee question. What time of year do you spray for verroa?


Quote from: rdy-b on October 30, 2011, 11:39:25 PM
 finski they say you are not real-that you are a computer program on a server in HONG GONG
8-) RDY-B
with that said, could be a server with a wirus
at least thats what they call them, when I'm
having problems removing one :-D

"Not everything found on the internet is accurate"
Abraham Lincoln


Quote from: rdy-b on October 30, 2011, 11:17:22 PM
** actual there is a easy way to measure crystals--use a 1/2 inch copper pipe nipel
fill and leval off--this is 1 gram of crystals-- ;) RDY-B

...this presumes that all oa crystals are the same size.  I doubt they are. Larger crystals take up more clime for.a.given.weight.



Quote from: deknow on January 28, 2012, 12:55:29 PM
Quote from: rdy-b on October 30, 2011, 11:17:22 PM
** actual there is a easy way to measure crystals--use a 1/2 inch copper pipe nipel
fill and leval off--this is 1 gram of crystals-- ;) RDY-B

...this presumes that all oa crystals are the same size.  I doubt they are. Larger crystals take up more clime for.a.given.weight.


The Heilyser JB600 measuring spoon is made out of a 1/2 copper cap (or at least it use to be).   But that was ~2 grams,  or close enough.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison