Wanted : New or Used Smoker

Started by BoxerDad, November 03, 2011, 09:40:39 PM

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New to beekeeping and I'm looking for a new  or used complete smoker.

I'm located in NY on Long Island. Also interested in any other new or used beekeeping equipment from people getting out of the hobby :)
This is the end result of all the bright lights, and the comp trips, and all the champagne, and free hotel suites, and all the broads and all the booze. It's all been arranged just for us to get *your money*.


check your local club, im sure someone has a piece they can give ya, some use HBH in a spray bottle
"A responsible beekeeper is a successful one"
Shane C.


I love it, Shane. If you don't use smoke, it is definitely a "pray" bottle. You pray each time that this won't be the one that attacks by the hundreds. It's not a case of "If they will", but rather "when they will".
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


theres a guy in our club that as been doing it for years.  ive done it on 3 inspections with no issues.  it also works with combining instead newspaper. you know how it goes 10 different beeks and 20 different answers.  did that happen to you iddee?  I cant believe i missed that typo,  im a one handed typer most of the time lol
"A responsible beekeeper is a successful one"
Shane C.


Every beek has their own way. I work my bees in street clothes or less. I use smoke.

If he has used only spray for years, my guess would be that he wears full suit, hood, gloves and boots.

I've seen too many times there was a cloud of bees instantly attacking when the lid is first cracked. No time for spray.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


I've experimented with the spray bottle a little, and it worked fine on small colonies, however I agree with iddee if you don't use smoke you will pay dearly someday.  I would never go into a large booming colony without smoke.  Even with smoke, booming late summer colonies often come after me!  Get yourself a smoker!


Smoke if your friend and if you ask around, there are always some well used smokers out there, even if they need a little duct tape on the bellows.  Anything to make a little smoke.