Bizarre Foods w/ Andrew Zimmern

Started by jmblakeney, January 22, 2012, 07:22:43 PM

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I just watched an episode of this were he was in San Fran, I believe, and there was a couple who was making Wax moth larvae patties.  It looked extremely gross, as do most of the things he eats.  Who would've thought anyone would try to make a meal of them nasty things?

"I believe the best social program is a job...." - Ronald Reagan


You can make a meal out of a mess of Bream that you can catch using them boogers for bait.  But that is as close as I would go to eating them.


It just amazes me how SPAM grosses him out. When he pulls a chunk of placenta off the ground seconds after a calf is born and eats it raw, you think he could handle processes pork in a can.

I've always said I'll try anything, but give me a salt shaker and I'll try it. It doesn't mean I'll like it, but who knows what tastes good and good is very subjective.

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