Looking for a great Italian queen

Started by garlicfarmer, August 08, 2012, 04:31:13 PM

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My name is Tom vanden Bosch.  I live in Hesperia,  Michigan and I am looking for a great Italian queen.  I am also looking for more equipment.  any one that can help me out is appreciated.  Referrals to were you bought equipment is appreciated also.  Thanks Tom


Try contacting your local Beekeeping Club or, if you're a member, contact some fellow beekeepers and get their input and opinions. Also, make note of the characteristics you're in search of with, in my opinion, Climate also. Typically queens that are acclimated to your type of climate will do much better. Typical queens range from $20 to $40 and "Breeder" queens from $100 & up. Not sure of the qualities and type Queen you are searching for, so I hope this helps.