Wax Moths

Started by RC, October 17, 2012, 09:34:46 AM

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After finding a weak hive with a wax worm infestation, I found a method of trapping the moths on the internet. Use a jug with a 1" hole in it, a cup of water, a cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of apple cider vineger and a banana peel. Let me tell you, this thing works. I hung one in a tree about 20 feet from my hives and in two days, there was a layer of moths an inch thick in the trap. I made another one, set it out Sunday afternoon and yesterday (Wednesday) its got a pretty good layer of dead moths in it too.
I understand that a strong hive is the best defense, but these traps seem to help eliminate part of the problem.


Works really well for bald-faced hornets also.
