COLLEGE BOWL PICK'EM 2012/2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by Intheswamp, December 14, 2012, 11:18:27 AM

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Ok, I haven't seen anyone post a link to a pick'em game this year so here's one.  It's just a small group of friends(?) :angel: that have been doing pick'em for a few years....the bowl pick'em is usually light in participation.  If anybody wants to join in here's the link...being as nobody there will know where the heck you came from you might mention that YOUR HERO sent you.  :evil:

Fumble around to the "Join a group" link.  Then enter in the group ID number and password.

Group ID#: 12385
Password: abc123

The pick'em group is "Let's Go Bowling"

This should get you going.  Then follow the directions.

ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!
GO BAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!
American blood spilled to protect the freedom and peace of people all over the world.  320,000 USA casualties in WWI, 1,076,000 USA casualties in WWII, 128,000 USA casualties in the Korean War, 211,000 casualties in the Vietnam "conflict", 57,000 USA casualties in "War on Terror".  Benghazi, Libya, 13 USA casualties. These figures don't include 70,000 MIA.  But, the leaders of one political party of the United States of America continue to make the statement..."What difference does it make?".

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."..."The press is our chief ideological weapon." - Nikita Khrushchev

"Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they wont come to yours." - Yogi Berra


I just thought I'd mention that tomorrow are the first bowls so HURRY AND SIGN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :-D

American blood spilled to protect the freedom and peace of people all over the world.  320,000 USA casualties in WWI, 1,076,000 USA casualties in WWII, 128,000 USA casualties in the Korean War, 211,000 casualties in the Vietnam "conflict", 57,000 USA casualties in "War on Terror".  Benghazi, Libya, 13 USA casualties. These figures don't include 70,000 MIA.  But, the leaders of one political party of the United States of America continue to make the statement..."What difference does it make?".

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."..."The press is our chief ideological weapon." - Nikita Khrushchev

"Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they wont come to yours." - Yogi Berra


Quote from: Intheswamp on December 14, 2012, 11:18:27 AM
being as nobody there will know where the heck you came from you might mention that YOUR HERO sent you.  :evil:
If somebody picks Notre Dame and the Wolverines, will you know who it is ?  :-D



Maybe, but we do have a somewhat varied crowd....but, the gang does tilt towards the SEC just a bit.  ;)

A story... 

Several years ago my best friend got me started playing College Pick'em.  I wasn't really interested in sports but he kept nagging me and riding me to play with them.  I finally gave in but in taking my Pick'em ID I added an attitude with it.  :evil: Everybody pretty well knew me but they quickly learned to dislike my Pick'em ID very much 'cause since I didn't know what I was doing I decided to have fun and give them all a hard time by pickin'at'em.  Anyhow, as the case may be....I WON FIRST PLACE that first year and really hacked'em off!!!   :-D  We had several years of fun and me dissing everybody that came along...even had another friend join in that they didn't know about and who didn't participate in the I spoke for him.<grin>  We had a really good time.  Then a couple of years ago I found myself waiting in an ER with my buddy...for the hearse to come pick him up.  I really miss that sucker, we walked out of bars together at sunrise "back when", we got in brawls together, drug each other home in the middle of the morning, caught the local record bass together at the county lake, helped each other with whatever needed helping, and in recent years when to church together. 

I blame him now for me killing time watching ballgames and being a Alabama fan...he had his "lucky" maroon Crimson Tide wind suit that he would never wash.  I swear that wind suit could stand up and do a back flip all by itself!  He was a nut, and a very good friend.   Tomorrow is the anniversary of when he died.  I miss him.

I don't know why I said all that, just wanted to share, maybe it's from what all happened today and feeling sad tonight.  I can't help but think about my two little granddaughters and how those parents and grandparents must feel up in Connecticut.  It breaks my heart. 

American blood spilled to protect the freedom and peace of people all over the world.  320,000 USA casualties in WWI, 1,076,000 USA casualties in WWII, 128,000 USA casualties in the Korean War, 211,000 casualties in the Vietnam "conflict", 57,000 USA casualties in "War on Terror".  Benghazi, Libya, 13 USA casualties. These figures don't include 70,000 MIA.  But, the leaders of one political party of the United States of America continue to make the statement..."What difference does it make?".

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."..."The press is our chief ideological weapon." - Nikita Khrushchev

"Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they wont come to yours." - Yogi Berra