What did you get on mid-terms?

Started by Apis629, November 15, 2005, 06:06:06 PM

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Just for the sake of conversastion, I was wondering how other teenagers here did on their midterm reports.  As I'm sure everyone here has heard, Florida is about has the lowest test scores for all areas of primary education in the contry.  And are near the lowest for reading scores, especially for high school.  I was just wondering if anyone here is scoring nothing but As?  Myself...I got a 2.8 but, with weighted given they're honors classes that bumped it up to 3.5.  I could be completely off on dates for report cards given I don't know when they're given out in other states.

Horns Pure Honey

I myself have like a 3.8 on a 4.0 scale. I have art, gym, english, and US history at my school and then I go to vocational school for culinary arts the rest of the day. I need to .1 point in english and US to get my perfect score. I am supprisingly great at english, I just cant spell half the time, lol. Are school is rated like one of the top schools in are state for a public school, we really do have great teachers, I dont really know how the rest of are state does on scores, o well. :D
Ryan Horn


I spent two summers(2002, 2003)  at culinary schools in Tampa Bay!  As for classes at my school, they cover Geometry, Personal Fitness, BST (Bussiness Systems), Biology, English, Materials & Processes (shop class) and finaly economics.  Basicly, I'm going to a magnet for technology training and stuff like that.

Horns Pure Honey

That is so cool! Did you like tampa bays system? I really have not time this year to do anything but the classes I mentioned earlier. I have always wanted to do IT but never had the time to fit it in, maybe my senior year, lol. bye :D
Ryan Horn


One of them was pretty cool in that you could work on whatever you wanted, they introduced a few techniques for cooking, sugested fusions etc. They even  "graded" the dishes for texture, origionalety, flavor, etc.  It was just a great deal of fun.  Then, the food critic for the local newspaper (St.Petersburg Times) came by to "sample" everyones dishes.  It really seemed like a contest sometimes but, it was just great.  I think I still have a ribon for 4th place (there were 12 competetors) somewhere...

Horns Pure Honey

I am going for a degree, we have set foods to make, you are grade on texture, taste, smell, and eye appeal. We run a restruant on and off premmises and it is hard to get a b in that class, are teacher is very strict, if you goof off you fail. If she sees you put your head down on the table in the class she takes off 10 points every day. Some days I make over 500 class points, you can loose points on simple things such as not holding your pan right. She is one of the top chefs in the state and has many awards. She can be very harshg but she strives for the best. I have an A and it will stay that way, I want to be the best and I will succede. I wont let anyone bring my grade down, I hate to say it but I rather them fail then let my product suffer. I am going to Johnson and Wales for 4-5 year and going to open my own restruant prob 5 years after I grad. All in all I strive to be the best and I will be, I am going to nationals and hopefully internationals and that is it, bye :)
Ryan Horn


Wow...a career!  I've always looked at cooking as something to do for a little entertainment in the sence of "entertaining" others.  I've always been concerned that if I take it outside of a hobby/avocation that it would become more of a chore than pleasure.  More power to ya'!!!

Horns Pure Honey

Well I am already a head chef at a 4 star restruant and am making enough to go to college on but my sister is paying for that since my mom paid for hers. I am sorry but I hate it when people think cooking is just a hobby or "just for girls", its not. Cooking is highly competitive and hard to master is certain areas, I am going to college to be a excutive chef so I will make a base wage of at least $200,000 to over a million a year. I know I sound very like a, whell you know,  when talking about this but I take it very seriously. I do agree though, if you dont truely love this art, and yes it is an art if you are good enough, that it does become a chore, I myself dont see it as that. :D
Ryan Horn


Wow, already a head chef at a 4 star restraunt...how old are you again?!  And, I never said that cooking was "womens' work".  It would be awfully hipocritical if I did and said that I enjoy cooking.

Horns Pure Honey

I am seventeen, I worked my way up from a waiter to a pizza maker, to a pasta chef in under 4 weeks. :D
Ryan Horn


Now that's impressive!  Say, do you have a favorite food to prepare(i.e. breads, deserts-pastries or pies, pasta, fish, poultry, meat, etc.)  I just had to make a Camumbola Key Lime Pie for my dad's co-workers with merange (sp) and a whole mess of Pierogs.

Horns Pure Honey

I truely like everything but if I had to pick just one it would be pastries. :D  It also helped to get the job when I come in every friday and saturday night and work untill 12, close and get out of there by one, determination my friend. :D
Ryan Horn