Dry Wax...Help?

Started by AndersMNelson, January 14, 2006, 03:36:09 PM

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Hi, I've have a little problem.  I ordered a hive kit last summer and I've slowly been building it awaiting spring.  Since now everything has been okay, but today I noticed that the wax foundation is getting brittle and I can see the white crystals coming out.  Is there anyway I can remedy this?  I brought all my frames in from the garage to warm them up.  Will this help?
My Photos!

Takin' care of beesnus.


Keeping it warm will help. The white stuff could be "bloom". A white powder that coats beeswax that has been sitting around. Try not to handle the foundation until it warms up.
"To bee or not to bee"


Great.  Thanks for the tip.
My Photos!

Takin' care of beesnus.


When you sink wire into wax with electrict, room temperature and wax shoud be  77 F (25C) so wax rest evenly on wires.

Michael Bush

>When you sink wire into wax with electrict, room temperature and wax shoud be 77 F (25C) so wax rest evenly on wires.

Or somewhere in that ballpark.  :)
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin