
Started by danno, February 28, 2014, 03:10:28 PM

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This last week I had a dog terrorizing my chickens and eating my barn cat food.  Yesterday I hung a coyote snare in a path I stomped out in the snow going to the hen house and this morning my problem was solved.


How proud you must be.


Quote from: Oblio13 on February 28, 2014, 04:25:18 PM
How proud you must be.
Proud!!!! seriously!!!  About 6 or 7 years ago I had 2 huskies break in and kill about 75 laying hens.   The county had to pay to replace them because we have a dog ordinance and the animals were never caught.    I had to prove it was dogs and not coyotes.  Not tough to do because in there excitment killing my stock one throw up dog food in the hen house.   Then a couple of years later a single dog killed about a doz  I take care of my own and if this dogs owner did the same I wouldn't be typing this.  I didn't kill it.  I neck snared it with a relaxing lock and no intanglement near.  The dog is now at animal control and with the attitude it has it will never leave.


 X:X :catchchick:

Not a fan of wild roaming dogs  :police:


Dogs, domestic or the wild type (wolves,coyotes) are shot on site around here when they are caught chasing livestock or deer.  I don't put up with it.


In my county you are animal control. If you feel sorry (and who wouldn't?) for a stray dog and feed it, it then becomes your dog. My sister got fined because she had fed two or three strays. If you feed it you must get them vaccinated.

It seems that where I live at is a dumping area for unwanted cats and dogs. Mainly cats. If they aren't took care of then disease and destruction are your results. When I was a teen it was much worse. Back then (70s) I drove to a swimming hole. You had to park and walk. When I parked I counted 13 dogs who were being aggressive toward my truck. I turned around, went back home and got my .22 but they were gone. The area was also a dumping place for someone.

When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.


Quote from: Oblio13 on February 28, 2014, 04:25:18 PM
How proud you must be.
I have to ask.  What would you do?  Call the policeman?


Quote from: Edgy on March 01, 2014, 01:13:04 AM
Dogs, domestic or the wild type (wolves,coyotes) are shot on site around here when they are caught chasing livestock or deer.  I don't put up with it.

you'd end up in jail here if you shot one for chasing deer, livestock might be a different story.  if a dog has a collar and looks well fed he's getting a free pass from me if he isn't killing an animal.  some times well cared for dogs get out and it's their nature to hunt.  a repeat offender may not be as lucky.


Quote from: 10framer on March 03, 2014, 10:20:35 PM
Quote from: Edgy on March 01, 2014, 01:13:04 AM
Dogs, domestic or the wild type (wolves,coyotes) are shot on site around here when they are caught chasing livestock or deer.  I don't put up with it.

you'd end up in jail here if you shot one for chasing deer, livestock might be a different story.  if a dog has a collar and looks well fed he's getting a free pass from me if he isn't killing an animal.  some times well cared for dogs get out and it's their nature to hunt.  a repeat offender may not be as lucky.
We have the same laws here for deer.   Stock on the other hand is different.  As I stated above the county has a very old law on the books that if dogs kill and the owner cant be found they pay for replacment out of the dog lic fund.  when I had the 75 bird massacre they bought 75 new chicks.  The birds that were killed were first year pullets.   I got to feed 75 chicks for 5 months to get eggs again


Quote from: danno on March 04, 2014, 09:06:50 AMwhen I had the 75 bird massacre they bought 75 new chicks.  The birds that were killed were first year pullets.   I got to feed 75 chicks for 5 months to get eggs again

:-x Not much better than them giving you one hen and them telling you she will lay 75 eggs  :-x

mvh Edward  :-P


i hate doing anything to the dog, but i wish we could shoot their owners with paintballs . i have same problem, also they dump all over my  yard, i talked to the owners but it was like barking up a wrong tree


I had a pasture that bordered a subdivision and would constantly get there leaves, limbs, dead flowers, dead shrubs, rocks, and everything else across the fence. It all would get tossed back over and I would try my best to hang it up in their tree limbs so they would get the message. One house started throwing their dog crap across the fence, and I mean big loads of it. I just figured if it was OK to pitch poo one way it would bee OK to pitch poo the other way, except I did not have a dog so I just had to pitch cow pies. After about an hour my arms were getting tired and their pretty backyard was well fertilized anyway. Message received!

Country life don't mean you get to let your dog run loose.
those hot bees will have you steppin and a fetchin like your heads on fire and your keister is a catchin!!!

Bees will be bees and do as they please!


They might have a mail box that you could fill with your mesage  :-X

mvh Edward  :-P


funny that this comes up.  the turkey all vanished from my place 5 or 6 weeks ago but a group of dogs keeps showing up on my trail cam.  i've been trying to figure out where they belong.  well, my feist likes to go across a road and not check back in lately.  always in the same direction.  last time he was about to go through a gate onto someone's property when i found him.  well, when i stopped at the end of their drive and told him to get in the truck here comes the pack of dogs with teeth showing and their hair up.  they weren't just not scared of me when i yelled at them, i thought they were going to attack.  i'm not scared of dogs and will usually pet a strange dog but these dogs meant business.  i'm pretty sure my dog is trailing them back to their place.  not sure how to handle this just yet.  i have a couple of neighbors that i know will shoot them if they see them running deer (one might if he just sees them).


Quote from: 10framer on March 10, 2014, 10:54:52 PM
funny that this comes up.  the turkey all vanished from my place 5 or 6 weeks ago but a group of dogs keeps showing up on my trail cam.  i've been trying to figure out where they belong.  well, my feist likes to go across a road and not check back in lately.  always in the same direction.  last time he was about to go through a gate onto someone's property when i found him.  well, when i stopped at the end of their drive and told him to get in the truck here comes the pack of dogs with teeth showing and their hair up.  they weren't just not scared of me when i yelled at them, i thought they were going to attack.  i'm not scared of dogs and will usually pet a strange dog but these dogs meant business.  i'm pretty sure my dog is trailing them back to their place.  not sure how to handle this just yet.  i have a couple of neighbors that i know will shoot them if they see them running deer (one might if he just sees them).
Good luck with the owners of those untrained dogs.  I always pack heat for just an encounter.  Some people have no responsibility!


In my opinion they are primal when they come at you. Kill all of them before someone's child is mauled. That just happened not far from here. It wasn't a pack. I think it was just one or two. That's all it took. They buried the child recently.
When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.


i was in their driveway and my runaway dog was there.  i have to give them the benefit of the doubt in that situation but, they were in my food plot again yesterday. 


The law of the 3 -S's   Shoot, Shovel and Shutup


My bad 10framer. I was thinking you were around your field or something.

Never heard of the law of 3 S's term before. I have to borrow that. I normally shoot, chunk in the back of the truck, head down a dirt road, then chunk again. I have an idea; The law of 3 chunks; Chunk some bait, Chunk in the truck, and Chunk on the side of the road.
When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.


 :-D we have that in Sweden also, some reindeer herders got tiered of wolves killing their livestock so they shot the wolves, and buried them.

They were tagged with radio transmiters, one tag got put on the back axel of a logging truck that drove up and down the interstate  :-D

The other tag found its way into a lifeboat on a luxury liner that sailed between Sweden and Finland.  :roll: :-D

mvh Edward