banking queen question

Started by gdog, June 17, 2014, 01:06:54 PM

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can I bank queens on two frames one honey one with a empty frame? or what is the best preferred method?

This is a crazy question. Has anyone ever kept bees in their basement to begin raising queens early in the year so they can change out their overwintered queens or start up new nuc's with them. Just asking.......

I want to start selling mated queens early for those who need them in the north (Wisconsin)


In times past they over wintered bees in a "bee cellar" which is much like a root cellar  this was done especially in the north to protect from harsh winters. Most designs I've seen included tubes to allow the bees to go outside. This would mean they are not contained in the hives which could be trouble in a basement unless this was considered when building the space. Also, I imagine you would want temperatures to remain low (though not as cold as outside) so the bees wouldn't become too active and deplete food supplies . Maybe that could be overcome with careful feeding.  If active they'll certainly need room to fly or access to the outside. Maybe you could connect nucs like observation hives, with tubing from hive to outside.
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
-Proverbs 16:24


I would suggest starting new Queens early as possible the next season.
To keep a mated queen caged all winter isn't good for the queen.
Usually after 14 days I do away with the queen for I have new ones coming on.
When you start raising queens and selling to the public you don't want inferior queens.
Bad queens and the word will spread like wild fire.
Richard Vardaman (capt44)


Why not raise fall queens and over winter nucs to provide early queens? You could use migratory tops and stack them for common heating.  I don't know how many would survive but it could be a start.


Cant raise queens without drones.  Cant raise drones without decent weather.   This year May was to early